June 8, 1908
WEDDING.- A pretty and interesting wedding took place at Carshalton Parish church last week, the contracting parties being Francis John Marfleet, only son of Mr. and Mrs F. J. Marfleet, of Reedworth-street, Kennington, and Lucy Edith Stevens, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stevens, of West-street-lane, Carshalton. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in a dress of cream liberty satin trimmed with chiffon, and wore a wreath of orange blossom.
She was attended by three bridesmaids - the Misses Frances Helena and Evelyn Stevens (sisters), and Gladys Elizabeth Peake (niece of the bridegroom). The two former wore dresses of pale blue voile trimmed with white spotted net and blue silk braid, while the latter had a dress of white embroidered lawn trimmed with pale blue ribbon. The bride's bouquet consisted of lilies, carnations and roses, while those of the bridesmaids were yellow iris. Mr. Carnal acted as best man.
After the wedding, at which the Rev, W. F. Dsey officiated, a very enjoyable afternoon and evening was spent by the guests of the lawn and in the grounds of The Lodge, Carshalton, lent for the occasion by Mrs. Moon. Both the bride and bridegroom were recipients of many handsome and useful presents.
The wedding party of Lucy Edith Stevens and Francis John Marfleet.
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