MARFLEET Including variants e.g. MERFLET(T); MARFLETE; MARFLIT(T); MARFLIGHT, etc. Family History

Extract from:
Grimsby Evening Telegraph
11th March 1949

Former Cleethorper In Treasure Hunt


A former Cleethorpes man who emigrated to Australia with his wife and two step-sons 24 years ago, is to attempt to salvage £3,000,000 in gold bars from the depths of the Pacific Ocean next summer

The target for this scheme, so large that it may well prove one of the greatest salvage operations in modern history, is an old American sailing ship wrecked in 1881.

She lies 90 feet beneath the waves, in a cavern 285 miles south of South Island, New Zealand.


Mr. Harry Marfleet, aged 32, formerly of Clee-road, Cleethorpes, who now lives in Sydney, tells of his plans in a letter to the Mayor of Cleethorpes, Coun. Frank Broddle.

Click here for Family Tree [J.046H]Here, in his own words, is the story:
"I was mixed up with Diver John Johnson, the man who got £2,300,000 out of the wreck of the Niagara in 1941-42.
"He left £151,000 in gold bars because as they were in the far corner of the strong room he could not reach them.
"It would have been possible to reach them with an extending grab attachment fixed on his diving bell and operated from within. However, it is all washed up for the time being because the costs have beat us.


"Now we are concentrating on an old sailing ship wreck which is supposed to have £3,000,000 in gold bars in her cargo.

"She is the U.S.A. sailing ship, General Grant," wrecked when bound from Melbourne to London in May 1881.

Having lost her rudder she was sucked down to her doom into a cavern and, after bashing the roof of the cavern with her main mast, which pounded a hole in her bottom, she sank.
"Of 94 passengers and crew only 14 reached an adjoining island, where they lived for eight months before being rescued by a passing ship.
"Three syndicates have tried to get her opened up but have failed because of the treacherous weather.

"It is on Auckland Island, 285 miles south of the main south island of New Zealand.

"I and two old retired friends now propose to equip an expedition next summer have a try to get a diver down to her.


"We think at this early stage that if we blast the cavern cliff down in front of the wreck, it will keep the heavy seas out and our diver will then be able to work in calm waters.

"We do not think we will be called upon to put down too much money as a Press agency and film company will pay us big money to go along for a story and pictures."


Harry Marfleet's father, Mr. Samuel Marfleet, who last month celebrated his 90th birthday at 82, Thrunscoe-road, Cleethorpes, told an Evening Telegraph reporter today,
"Harry always was an adventurer. I suppose it was the 'wanderlust' in him that made him give up a flourishing business and emigrate to Australia.
"One day, business was as usual. Two days later he had tied it up and had made all arrangements to emigrate. He was like that."
"Mr. Harry Marfleet, junior, who had nine brothers and one sister, attended St. Peter's School, Cleethorpes, and was a school friend of the present Mayor.

When Coun. Broddle sent him a Christmas card his story of the search to be for a fortune came back in reply.

Mr. Marfleet wrote:
"It was my intention to have a trip home this summer, but I have to stand by here now. Something in the nature of a great adventure is likely to come off for me and we are preparing for it."

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