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MARFLEET Family History

The Marfleet Foundation Lectures
(University of Toronto)

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First Lecture 1915 Ex-President William Howard TAFT (U.S.A.) (1857-1930)
Foreign Affairs and Military Forces
Second Lecture October 1921 Ex-Prime Minister Right Hon. Sir Robert Laird BORDEN (Canada) (1854-1937)
Canadian constitutional studies.
................... 1925/6 Hon. John Bassett MOORE (Canada)
................... 1929 Professor William Bennett MUNRO of Harvard (1875-1957)
American Influences on Canadian Government
................... 1932 James Thomson SHOTWELL (1874-1965)
The heritage of freedom: the United States and Canada in the Community of nations
(search the NARA Online Library Catalogue)
February 26th/27th 1942 Claude Denson PEPPER (1900-1989)1
The World War and the Post War World
December 8th/9th 1947 James William FULBRIGHT (1905-1995)
The New World looks at the Old World
March 4th/5th 1952 Robert Maynard HUTCHINS (1899-1977)
Some Questions about Education in North America
10th Lecture
December 13th/14th
1955 Dorothy THOMPSON (1893-1961)
The Crisis of the West
................... 1966 John Kenneth GALBRAITH (1908-)
................... 1967 Herbert Marshall McLUHAN (1911-1980)
Towards An Inclusive Consciousness
September 1975 Lester R. BROWN
The Global Politics of Food: Role and Responsibility of North America

1 In his lecture Claude Pepper recites the previous lecturers as: Taft, Borden, Moore, Munro and Shotwell.

A bequest of five thousand dollars
by the late
Pearson Kirkman Marfleetof Prophetstown,
Whiteside Co. Illinois, U.S.A. to the University of Toronto, in the
City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario in the Dominion of Canada. The interest
of this money to be devoted by the Governors Pearson Kirkman Marfleet of the University of Toronto to the maintenance of a lectureship to be called the Pearson Kirkman Marfleet Lectureship. The Lectureship to be maintained in perpetuity, and each lecturer to be appointed and to deliver a course of lectures at least once in every four years. In each annual calendar of the University the terms of the lectureship shall be announced.
Mr. Marfleet, an American citizen, devoted [constant] thought to the public welfare of his own country, and also watched the growth of the Dominion of Canada with profound interest. It is therefore suggested that in making the appointments to the lectureship from time to time those should be chosen who will set forth some phrase or phrases of the national movements of each or both countries.

British Union - Catalogue of Periodicals Vol III L-R, page 143, col 2.
Marfleet lectures [Pearson Kirkman Marfleet lectures]
The. [Marfleet foundation. University of Toronto.]
1921-. 1922-. L.

(Symbol L = British Museum)

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Marfleet Foundation Lectures
This page was created 25th October 1998
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