www.marfleet.co.uk | a MARFLEET Family History web-page |
There were a lot of people on the trail that winter - I judge between 200 and 300 teams on the Long Trail, settlers and freighters. However the ones who travelled along about the same time I did (arriving March 20, 1911 after 30 days' actual travel) were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cochrane; Mr. and Mrs. James Moore, Mamie and Alex; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore, David and Margaret; Dr. and Mrs. Bradford and family; Anthony Gowen; Arthur Hamilton; Rev. and Mrs. Alexander Forbes; Ike Nelson; Tom Paul; Alf Marfleet; Dr and Mrs. A.O. Sproule (dentist), Donald, Cameron and Dorothy and Dave Sexsmith. |
John Orlando Patterson |
(Photograph and text extracted from the book "Pioneers of the Peace" published by Grande Prairie and District Old Timers' Association, Third Printing 1978) |