Kate and Alf Marfleet - Grande Prairie

www.marfleet.co.uk a MARFLEET Family History web-page

There were a lot of people on the trail that winter - I judge between 200 and 300 teams on the Long Trail, settlers and freighters. However the ones who travelled along about the same time I did (arriving March 20, 1911 after 30 days' actual travel) were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cochrane; Mr. and Mrs. James Moore, Mamie and Alex; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore, David and Margaret; Dr. and Mrs. Bradford and family; Anthony Gowen; Arthur Hamilton; Rev. and Mrs. Alexander Forbes; Ike Nelson; Tom Paul; Alf Marfleet; Dr and Mrs. A.O. Sproule (dentist), Donald, Cameron and Dorothy and Dave Sexsmith.
John Orlando Patterson

(Photograph and text extracted from the book "Pioneers of the Peace" published by Grande Prairie and District Old Timers' Association, Third Printing 1978)