Adam de MERFLETE 1135-1154 Granted 1 mans'um and 1 bovate of land to Simon his brother. Adam, lord of MERFLEET 1216 The Abbat and Convent of St. Martins, Albemarle, gave, inter alia, one bovate of land, with its appurtances, in Danthorpe, to Adam, lord of Merfleet, son of Wm. de Danthorpe, in fee, which he had of the gift of the aforesaid Wm, father of the aforesaid Adam. sir Adam de MERFLETE 1216 [Nottingham Record Office] (see also Elena) Adam, lord of MERFLETE 1218 The Abbat and Convent of St. Martins, Albemarle, gave to Adam, lord of Marflete, son of Wm. de Danthorpe, in fee, freedom of payment of tenths to be made in Marfleet, of 12 bovates of land and of the whole of his own meadow; and remitted to him and his heirs the whole meadow which they had in the same place, with one bovate of arable in Danthorpe, which they had of the grant of his father Adam (sic) for which Adam gave the Abbat aforesaid 15 acres of meadow in Marflete. Sir Adam de MERFLETE c.1218 bore - Argent, 9 fleur de lis, 3,2,3,1. azure, a bordure, engrailed, gules. Adam de MERFLETE 1227 [Nottingham Record Office] Adam de AUTHORPE, lord of Marfleet 1228 York. William of Marfleet seeks against Adam of Authorpe two parts of the manor of Marfleet, into which he has not access except through William of Ross, whose father Robert of Ross had that land in his custody with William himself while that same William was under age, and even while he is of age, as it is said, and from the time when that same Robert died he was kept from that land by reason of the aforementioned custody. And Adam came and defended the force and injury and rights of William himself; and he wanted to speak the truth. That land was under the rule of Stephen his great-grandfather, and he held that land in his own rule and his herited rule; and also Stephen had three sons, William of course Stephen and Simon; and William who was the firstborn, had one son, William by name, the father of the aforementioned Adam; from where he himself has and holds that land as if he himself who issued from the firstborn son of Stephen himself; and the aforementioned William issued from Stephen the second son of Great-grandfather Stephen. And therefore it seems to him that he should not answer him. And he speaks well because the aforementioned Robert of Ross never had that land in his custody with that William, but infact he held that land through his own force which lay in disuse until he died; and then he said to his son William that he had unjustly forced that land from the aforementioned Adam, and he told that same William his son to restore that land to the aforementioned Adam as the rightful heir. And in order to prove this he surrendered himself to the court. And William said that the aforementioned Robert took his homage after that and he was on that same disputed land as had been in his custody. And he did not want to dispute the right or wrong; but he did claim his own freehold land. And the fact that he had been kept from it was very obvious, because the aforesaid Robert restored to him a third part of the aforesaid manor as a gift for his wife, and this third part he still held. And in order to prove this he would bring that party (his wife) into court and if this was not enough he would surrender himself to the decision of the court: and Adam likewise. Let there be a tribunal; and let it be held in Norwich in the county of Norfolk from the sacred day of Trinity for 15 days to find out if the aforesaid Robert of Ross possessed that land together with the aforesaid William as from the freehold possession of that same William or not. Adam de DANTHORPE, 1227-1230 Ebor'. - Convenit per licenciam justiciariorum inter Willelmum de Mereflet petentem et Adam de Dantorp tenentem de tercia parte manerii de Mereflet, scilicet quod predictus Willelmus non inplacitabit predictum Adam usque ad finem septem annorum proximo equentium. Et pro hac concessione Theobaldus Hautein, in cujus custodia predictus Adam est, dat predicto Willelmo xx. marcas. Adam de MEREFLET, 1230-1232 [De octabis sancti Martini. Ebor'. Theobaldus Hautein per attornatum suum optulit se quarto die versus Johannem de Preston' de placito quod reddat ei rationabilem compotum suum de tempore quo fuit ballivus suus de Mereflet: et Johannes non venit etc., et summonitio etc. Judicium. Attachietur quod sit a die Pasche in v. septimanas.] [Adhuc a die Pasche in v. septimanas. Ebor'. Theobaldus Hauteyn per atornatum suum optulit se iiij. die versus Johannem de Preston' de placito quod reddat ei rationabilem compotum de tempore quo fuit ballivus ipsius Theobaldi in Merflet etc.; et Johannes non venit etc., et plures fecit defaltas. Et ideo vicecomes distringat eum per terras et catalla quod sit a die sancti Michaelis in tres septimanas, nisi justicaiarii etc.] Ebor'. Theobaldus Hautein petit versus Johannem de Preston' quod reddat ei compotum rationabilem de tempore quo fuit ballivus suus de manerio suo de Mereflet, et unde dicit quod aretro est de tribus annis, unde dicit quod deterioratus est ad valentiam ducentarum marcarum. Et Johannes venit et dicit quod nunquam fuit ballivus suus, nec unquam habuit manerium illud in custodia per ipsum Theobaldum, immo per quendam Adam de Mereflet et cui ipse reddidit compotum et quietus est, et qui quidem Ada fuit ballivus ipsius Theobaldi et ibi positus per ipsum Theobaldum, ut ipse Johannes dicit; et inde vocat ipsum Adam ad warantum. Habeat eum a die sancti Hillarii in xv. dies. In 1232 he (Theobald Hauteyn) summoned John of Preston to render him the accounts as his bailiff in Marfleet in Yorkshire but John pleaded that he was the deputy of Adam of Marfleet the real bailiff and vouched Adam to warranty. (Bracton's Note Book, No.859) sir Adam de MERFLE, c.1240 Witness to deed relating to land in Tunstall belonging to the Hospital of S. Sepulchre Hedon. Adam of MERFLET, 1245 MCLXXXI. - Between William of Merflet, claimant, and Adam of Merflet, tenant: as to 2 parts of the manor of Merflet, save 3 bovates of land and 2 thofts. The right of Adam. Adam gives 50 marks of silver. [Case 264, File 39, No.69.] Adam de MERFLET, c.1250 Witness to deed relating to land in Rimswell (in Owthorne) (Rimswell, township and parish of Owthorpe, East Riding of Yorkshire, 10 miles east of Hedon; 1,216 acres.) Adam of MEREFLET, 30 September 1251 At York, 30 September 1251, come Robert of Wykerle, Richard of Berle, Elias of Wygelewyk and Robert Traynel, 4 knights summoned to choose 12 to make recognizance of a Grand Assize of the Lord King between Henry the Chamberleng, claimant, and Peter of Haye, tenant, as to a carucate of land in Holum; as to which, Peter has put himself on a Grand Assize etc., whether he or Henry has the greater right etc. and whether he or Richard his father whose heir he is, ever did any service for that land to Henry or his ancestors. They have chosen these:- John of Bylton, Adam of Mereflet, William of saint Quentin, Alexander of Saint Quentin, Anselm of Saint Quentin, John of Frismareys, John the vavassur, William of Bretton, Richard the Waleys, Thomas of Oterington, Robert of Veylly, Robert Chaumberd and Philip of Faucenberg, who say on their oath .... Day given on Tuesday after the Octave of S. Michael (10 October) and then let 12 come etc. Later they concord, Henry giving 1 mark for leave; surety, Peter: cyrograph etc. (Assize Roll 1046. m. 3d.) Adam de MERFLET, (AD1259 written in pen at the top of page 133) [m.6.] OF ASSIZES AND PLAINTS AT BEVERLEY ON THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE THE FEAST OF SAINT MATTHEW, IN THE 44th YEAR. [m.6d.]Joan daughter of Gerard SALVAYN puts in her place the said Thomas or Simon son of Ralph against Sibil Lucy and Orfamina, daughters of Adam de Merflet in a plea of dower. Adam MERFLET, miles, c.1297 The Friar Preachers, or Black Friars of Beverley. The following burials at this priory have been given by John WRYTHE alis WRIOTHESLEY, garter King-at-arms before the year 1504. It' [Item] d'n's [dominus] Adam d M'flet, miles. Adam d M'FLET, miles, 1297 ~ ~ It dns Adam d M'flet miles [Item dominis Adam de Merflet miles] sir Wm (Adam) MARFLEET c.1405 see Joan, daughter of. Agnes, 22 February 1447 wife of Wm. Mirflete, Testamentary burial in the Chapel of St. Augustine, Hedon. Will proved 11/4/1448. Agnes MERFLET 23 February 1447 late wife of Wm. MERFLETE of Hedon, will. Alicia, relict of Wm de MERFLEET 1100 had a daughter Alicia. Alicia, dau of Wm & Alicia MERFLEET 1100 see above. Alice MERFLETE 1237 Wife of Ralph de Marflete of Tolby. [Nottingham Record Office] Alice MERFLETE of Hedon 22 October 1407 wife of William MERFLETE (see also Agnes wife of Wm. MIRFLETE) Alice, 27 March 1453 Wife of John Marflet, Birdlyngton (q.v.) Will.
Crystyan MARFLETE, 12 March 1542 Named as the wife of William Marflete in his Will.
Elena MERFLETE 1216 [Nottingham Record Office] (see also Adam) Elena de MERFLET 1297 Merflet. De Elena de Merflet, iiijs vijd Elene 1297 Merflet. De Roberto filio Elene, ijs vjd Elena MERFLETE 1297 The Friar Preachers, or Black Friars of Beverley. The following burials at this priory have been given by John WRYTHE alis WRIOTHESLEY, garter King-at-arms before the year 1504. It' [Item] d'n's [dominus] Elena uxor d'ni Elena, 1297 ~ ~ ~ It dna Elena uxor dni Ade de M'flet Elizabeth, died between Oc1348 and 07Au1349 (possibly in childbirth). daughter of Robert BAUGY(E) and Alice (or Agnes). wife of John de Merflet of Barton, mother of Hugh de MERFLET. Heiress of the lands held by her grandfather, William BAUGY(E). (1) one bovate of land in Wolrikby by Elsham. (2) three tofts, 20 acres of land and meadow, 10s. of rent and the moiety of a messuage and one bovate of land in Barton, also of 10 acres of land in Barton. Heiress of the lands held by her father Robert BAUGY(E). (1) a messuage, three tofts, 50 acres of land and 24s.6d. rent in Barton on Humber. (2) a messuage, two tofts, 5 bovates of land, 26s. rent, and a rent of a pound of cummin in Glentworth, and 2 bovates, held of the heir of Oliver Vendour by fealty and service of a clove at Michaelmas. (3) a toft, 4 bovates of land and 6 acres of land and meadow in Barton and in Helmswell and Glentham. Elizabeth MOREFLETT, 1578 Add MS 32490 LL 17 Sepulchral brass at Yately, Elizabeth Moreflett, 1578.
George MARFLETE, of haynton, 24 March 1536 Will, proved Lincoln 11 April 1536. Mentions: William Marflete and Richarde his son; Richard my brother. Witness: Richarde Marflete the younger.
Henry de MERSFLET, 20 September 1323 Ordained as subdeacon at the ordination of 1 acolyte, 3 subdeacons and 2 deacons. (see also Simon.) Hugh de MERFLET, 1261-1277 fo.232 Hugh de Merflet, Test: Hugh, son of John de MERFLET of Barton born Oc1348; died 28Jy1360: married Katherine before his death at the age of 12 years. Inherited all the lands of his mother Elizabeth (see above). Inherited all the lands of his father John de Merflet (see below). Hugh, (not named) 8 January 23 Edward III (1350) 462. Robert Bauge of Barton. Writ (missing) LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Barton, 8 January, 23 Edward III Glentworth. A messuage and a carucate of land held of the king in chief by homage and fealty. Barton. A capital messuage and a carucate of land held of the lord of Bello Monte by fealty and two attendances yearly at his court of Barton and by service of 9s. 10d. yearly, and 3s. yearly to the perpetual chantry of Holy Trinity in the church of Barton. He died on Monday after St. Peter's Chains last. The son of John de Merflet of Barton, aged 1 year and more, is his heir. E. Inq. p.m. File 11. (7.) Hugh, son of John de Merflet, 23 April, 24 Edward III (1351) 603. Robert Bauge of Barton. Writ, 5 April, 24 Edward III. LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Barton, 23 April, 24 Edward III Glentworth. A messuage and 60a. land held of the king in chief by homage and fealty and by service of 7s. yearly to the king and 6s. 8d. yearly to the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Barton. A capital messuage, 50a. land and 10a. meadow held of the lord of Beaumont (de Bello Monte) by fealty, two appearances yearly at his court of Barton and by service of 9s. 10d. yearly and 6s. yearly to a chantry at the altar (cuidam cantuar' altari) of the Holy Trinity in the church of St. Mary, Barton. He died on 3 August, 23 Edward III.(1349) Hugh, son of John de Merflet of Barton, aged 1½ years, is his heir. Commission of certiorari to John Gaunt, William Bray and John de Hatclif to enquire as to waste by William Bret, to whom the king committed the custody of the lands &c. late of Robert Bauge in Glentworth and Barton, together with the marriage of his heir, for a rent of 40s. yearly paid into the king's wardrobe, 7 April, 28 Edward III.(1354) Writ of scire facias to the sheriff to find a jury, 7 April, 28 Edward III.(1354) Jury panel. (undated). LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Barton-on-Humber before the said commissioners, Friday in Easter week, 28 Edward III.(18 April 1354) The abovesaid William. after he had received the custody aforesaid, pulled down (prostravit) a certain chamber in the capital messuage of the said Robert in Barton, two cottages in Hundgate, a cottage in Skrempholm, a shop and a cottage in Burgate, all in the town of Barton, and in the gardens of the said Robert there he cut down five oaks and eight ash trees and uprooted two apple trees, thirteen aspens and three ash trees. Writ of certiorari to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer to enquire whether Saier de Rochford, escheator in co. Lincoln, has charged himself, in his account rendered in 23 Edward III (1349-1350), with any sum from the issues of the lands &c. late of Robert Bauge of Barton, 16 June, 28 Edward III (1354). Endorsed: By the chancellor on the information of W. de Newenh'. Also endorsed with a memorandum of enrolment in Trinity term, 28 Edward III, roll 1. Return of the treasurer and barons. Undated. Saier de Rochford, escheator, in his account for 23 Edward III (1349-1350), charged himself with 6s. 5d. of the issues of a messuage and a carucate of land in Glentworth, late of the said Robert, extended yearly at 40s., viz. from 3 August, 23 Edward III (1349), to Michaelmas following (29 September 1349), and with 6s. 5d. of the issues of a messuage and a carucate of land in Barton, late of the said Robert, extended yearly at 40s.; and, in a similar account rendered at the exchequer, he charged himself with 4l. from the issues of the said lands &c. from Michaelmas, 23 Edward III (29 September 1349) to Michaelmas following (29 September 1350). In his account for a year from Michaelmas, 24 Edward III (29 September 1350), he did not answer for any issues of the said lands &c. from Michaelmas, 24 Edward III (29 September 1350), to 19 October following, on which day he delivered to William Bret the custody of all the lands &c. late of the said Robert, as there were no issues during that time. Writ to the escheator to enquire whether Robert Bauge held lands &c. in Glentworth and Barton and elsewhere other than those mentioned in the inquisition taken after his death, 10 September, 28 Edward III (1354). LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Barton, Wednesday after St. Matthew, 28 Edward III (24 September 1354). Barton and Wolriby. Besides the messuage, 50a. land, 10a. meadow and 7s. rent, previously returned, the said Robert held 6 cottages, 60a. land, 30s. rent and three crofts in Barton of the lord of Beaumont by service of 9s. 10d. and by rendering to a certain chantry of St. Thomas in Barton 3s. 6d. and to the abbot of Bardenay 2s. 6d., one cottage in Barton of the heirs of John Tracy by service of 18d. yearly and a bovate of land in Wolriby of Roger Haunsard by service of making two appearances yearly at his court of Wrauby. All the aforesaid land &c. were in the king's hand from the time of the said Robert's death to 19 October, 24 Edward III (1350) following, and afterwards William Bret of Barton occupied them. LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Spital in the Street (Hospitale super Stratam), Thursday after St. Matthew, 28 Edward III (25 September 1354). In addition to the messuage and 60a. land in Glentworth previously returned, the said Robert held: Glentworth. A toft and 65a. land and 14s. 1d. rent and 1lb. cummin yearly, with the messuage and 60a. already returned, of the king in chief by service of rendering 15s. yearly. Glentham and Helmswell. A toft and 18a. land held of the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England by service of 6s. 8d. yearly and by rendering to Thomas de Snartford 6d. yearly. All the said lands &c. were in the king's hand from the day of the said Robert's death until 19 October, 24 Edward III (1350), after which William Bret had possession of them. Hugh de MERFLETE, 3 August 1354, Westminster. Order to Sayer de Rocheford, escheator in the county of Lincoln, - pursuant to an inquisition made by him shewing that a messuage, a cottage and 3 bovates of land in Barton have descended by hereditary right to Hugh de Merflete, a minor in the king's ward, as kinsman and heir of Robert Bauge of Barton, through John de Merflete, his father, and have not yet been taken into the king's hand, - to take the premises into the king's hand and keep them safely until further order. Hugh de MERFLET, 2 December 1354, Westminster. Commitment to William Bret of the wardship of the lands late of Robert Bauge of Barton, who held in chief, in Glemworth, Barton, Glentham, Helmeswell and Wolryby, and of the lands late of John de Merflet in Barton, all which are in the king's hand by the deaths of the said Robert and John and by reason of the minority of Hugh de Merflet, kinsman and heir of Robert and son and heir of John, to hold until the lawful age of the said heir, rendering 6l. 10s. 4d. yearly in the wardrobe by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas; mainpernors, Robert Skyr of Barton and Richard Gros of the county of Lincoln. By C. Hugh de MERFLET, 1355 (28 Edward III) Son and heir of John de Merflet. Hugh, 10 September 1360, Elsham. 142. Hugh son of John de Merflet of Barton. Writ to the escheator to enquire what lands came into the king's hand by the death of John de Merflet of Barton, tenant in chief, and the minority of Hugh, his son, who died a minor in the king's wardship. 1 August, 34 Edward III (1360). LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Elsham, Thursday after the Nativity of the Virgin, 34 Edward III (10 September 1360) (defaced and illegible in places). Glentworth. A messuage, 2 tofts, 5 bovates, and yearly rents of 26s. and 1lb. cummin, held of the king in chief by service of being usher in the eyre of the justices at Lincoln, whereof Roger son of Roger de Bello Campo of Filyngham, [aged 38] years and more, is heir by reason that one William de Bello Campo gave the premises to Robert son of William Bauge [of Burton] and Alice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to his own heirs; and 2 bovates, held of the heir of Oliver Vendour by fealty and service of a clove at Michaelmas. Helmeswell. A toft and 2 bovates of land, held of the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England by service of 3s. yearly. Glentham. 6a. land and meadow, held of Thomas de Snartfford for 6d. yearly or a pair of spurs worth 6d. The aforesaid Roger son of Roger son of William de Bello [Campo is heir to all the above lands &c. as above]. The descent of the right in the premises given here is illegible in places, but seems to be identical with that given in the inquisition taken at Spital (infra), except that the wife of Robert son of William Bauge is here called Alice, not Agnes. The meaning appears to be that the right reverted to Roger through Elizabeth mother of Hugh son of John de Merflet, and daughter of Alice wife of the aforesaid Robert Bauge, daughter of Alice daughter of the aforesaid William de Bello Campo. Barton. [Moieties of a messuage and] of a bovate of land, whereof Thomas son of Walter son of Walter de Feriby, aged 53 years and more, is heir, [by reason of a fine] levied in the king's court between William Baugy and Agnes, his wife, querents, and Hugh Busk of Feriby and Idonia, his wife, deforciants, whereby Hugh and Idonia recognized the aforesaid moieties to be the right of William and Agnes, and surrendered them in court as the right and inheritance of Agnes: from whom the right descended to Robert Baugy, son and heir of William and Agnes; and from him to Robert his son and heir; and from him, because he died without heir of himself, to Elizabeth, his sister, whom John de Merflet married: and from her to Hugh, her son and heir by the said John. From him it reverted to the aforesaid Thomas son of Walter son of Walter as kinsman and heir of the aforesaid Agnes, wife of William Baugy, who was sister of the aforesaid Walter son of Walter father of the aforesaid Thomas son of Walter. Barton. 10s. rent, 3 tofts, and 20a. land and meadow, which William Baugy and Agnes, his wife, acquired to them and the heirs of Agnes, whereof the same Thomas son of Walter is heir, the descent being the same as the last. 10a. land and meadow, whereof the same Thomas son of Walter is heir by reason that one John de Feryby gave them to the aforesaid William Baugy and Agnes and the heirs of their bodies. The descent is again the same until the death of Hugh now deceased, who died without heir of himself, and then the right reverted to [Walter] son of the said John de Feryby, father of Walter father of the said Thomas, and from him it descended to his son Walter, and from him to his son Thomas aforesaid. A messuage, 3 tofts, 50a. land, 8a. meadow and 24s. 6d. rent, whereof William Wryght of Barton, aged 40 years and more, is heir by reason of a fine levied between Thomas Saffray of Barton and Agnes his wife, sometime wife of William Baugy, querents, and William son of Walter de Feriby, deforciant, whereby the latter surrendered the premises to the said Thomas and Agnes and the heirs of Thomas by Agnes, with remainder to Robert son of William Baugy and the heirs of his body, and reversion to the right heirs of Thomas Saffray. Thomas and Agnes died without issue, whereupon the remainder fell to Robert son of William. From him the descent to Hugh is the same as before, and on Hugh's death without heir of himself the premises reverted to [William] Wryght as kinsman and heir of Thomas Saffray. A capital messuage, 4 tofts, 1½ bovates of land and 12a. meadow, which are the escheat of Richard earl of Arundel and his wife, of whom they are immediately held, by reason that William Baugy had by Alice his first wife a son named John and two daughters Agnes and Alice, but this wife Alice being dead, he married another wife named Agnes, by whom he had a son named Robert Baugy. William Baugy gave the premises to this Robert, from whom they descended to Hugh, son of John de Merflet and Elizabeth his wife, as above. Hugh died without heir of himself [or through Elizabeth his mother], so the premises escheat as stated. 12«a. land, whereof [William] son of William de Melton of Barton ...... is heir in remainder, by reason that John de Gascryk gave them to William Baugy and Agnes his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of William [Baugy]. The descent is traced as before to Hugh, and on his death without heir of himself the remainder went to John, son of William Baugy by Alice his first wife, from him to Margaret his daughter, married to ..... de Bukton, and from her to Ellis de Bukton, her son and heir, who [died without heir of himself], and from him to his kinswoman Agnes, sister of John Baugy, and from her, who died without heir of herself, to ..... of William de Melton the elder, father of the aforesaid William. A messuage and 50a. land late of John de [Merflet], whereof William de Merflet, aged 30 years and more, is heir. William was brother of John and uncle and heir of Hugh. All the aforesaid lands &c. in Barton are held of Richard earl of Arundel and his wife [late the wife] of John de Bello Monte, of the inheritance of Henry son and heir of the same John de Bello Monte, by fealty and by service of 9s. 10d. yearly and two appearances at the earl's [court] in Barton after Michaelmas and Easter. Wolrikby by Elsham. A bovate of land, held of Roger Haunsard and Margaret his [wife] as of the right of the said Margaret, by homage and fealty. Of this Joan, daughter of Robert Crespyn, married to Adam de Beverle, aged 20 years and more, and Agnes, her sister, aged 19 years and more, married to Thomas Breton, are Margaret's heirs, by reason that one Peter Crespyn gave it to William Baugy and Agnes, his second wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with reversion to the right heirs of Peter. The descent to Hugh is the same as above; the reversion, as Peter died without heir of himself, went to Robert ....... of the said Peter, and from him to Robert his son, and from him to .......... Hugh died on 28 July, 3[4] Edward III.(1360) Writ, 18 October, 34 Edward III.(1360) [The deceased is here described as Hugh de Merflet, son of John de Merflet and kinsman and heir of Robert Bauge, a minor in the king's wardship.] (Endorsed by the escheator.) All the lands &c. contained in the inquisition had been delivered to the various heirs before the receipt of this writ by virtue of divers other writs, except a capital messuage &c. in Barton to which John son of John de Barton of Northkelseye is found by this inquisition to be heir. These remain still in the king's hand because by another inquisition it has been found that they were escheats by default of heirs. By another writ, however, he delivered to Katherine late the wife of Hugh de Merflet ........ her dower. LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Castre, 14 November, 34 Edward III.(1360) The following land &c. came into the king's hand by the death of John de Merflet and the minority of Hugh, his son and heir, who died a minor in the king's wardship:- Glenteworth, Helmeswell and Glentham (as in the first inquisition). Roger de Bello Campo of Filyngham, aged 38 years and more, is his heir for certain reasons, as appears by an inquisition taken at another time by the same escheator. Barton. A messuage and a bovate of land, and also 5s. yearly rent, 3 tofts and 20a. land and meadow, whereof Thomas son of Walter son of Walter Feriby, aged 53 years and more, is heir for certain reasons, as appears &c., as above. 10a. land and meadow, whereof the same Thomas is heir, as appears &c., as above. 2½a. land, whereof William son of William de Melton of Barton, aged 30 years and more, is heir for certain reasons, as appears &c., as above. A messuage and 50a. land late of John de Merflet, whereof William de Merflet, aged 30 years and more, is heir for certain reasons, as appears &c., as above. A capital messuage, 4 tofts, 1½ bovates of land and 12a. meadow which remained in the king's hand as an escheat because before this time no heir was known, whereof John son of John de Barton of Northkelseye, aged 30 years and more, is heir. 3s. rent, whereof the same John son of John is heir by reason that one Robert Bauge of Barton was seised of the same messuage, tofts. bovates, meadow and rent in demesne as of fee, and from him the right therein descended to Robert son of Robert [Bauge], who died without heir of himself, and from him to Elizabeth, his sister, whom John de Merflet married, and from her to Hugh, son and heir of the said John and Elizabeth, who died without heir of himself, whereupon the right reverted (resortiebatur) to Philip Bauge, brother and heir of William Bauge father of the said Robert, and from him descended to Margaret his daughter, and from her to John de Barton of Northkelseye, her son and heir, and from him to John, his son and heir. All the premises in Barton are held of Richard earl of Arundel and Eleanor, his wife, as of the inheritance of Henry son of John de Bello Monte, by service of 9s. 10d. yearly and two appearances at the great court of Barton, after Easter and Michaelmas. Wolrikby. A bovate of land and meadow, held of Roger Haunsard and Margaret, his wife, as of her right, by homage and fealty. Of this Joan, daughter of Robert Crispyn, aged 20 years and more, married to Adam de Beverlee, and Agnes, her sister, aged 19 years and more, married to Thomas Breton, are his heirs for certain reasons, as appears &c., as above. Hugh died on 28 July, 34 Edward III.(1360) Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Hugh, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 25 October, 35 Edward III.(1361) LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Spital on the Street (Hospitale super Stratam). Thursday after St. Andrew, 35 Edward III. (2 December 1361) Glentworth. A messuage, 2 tofts, 2 bovates and 50a. land, held as above (first inquisition). Helmeswell. 2 bovates of land, held as above (first inquisition). Glentham. 6a. land and meadow, held as above (first inquisition). He died on 28 July, 34 Edward III. (1360) Roger son of Roger son of William de Bello Campo of Filyngham, aged 38 years and more, is next heir of the premises by reason that one William de Bello Campo, his grandfather, gave them to one Robert son of William Bauge of Barton and Agnes, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with reversion to the donor and his heirs. From Robert and Agnes the right descended to Robert their son, and from him, who died without heir of himself, to Elizabeth his sister, whom John de Merflet married, and from her to Hugh, son and heir of John and Elizabeth, in right of his mother. The said Hugh died in seisin thereof, a minor in the king's wardship, without heir; and on this death without heir of himself the right reverted to the aforesaid Roger [son of Roger] son of William de Bello Campo as kinsman and heir of the said William by reason of the aforesaid gift. [The king by his escheator] Walter de Kelby has been in possession of the premises since the death of the said Hugh. C. Edw.III. File 162. (9.) Hugh son of John de MERFLETE, 1360 Grant by Beauchamp to Barton man 1360 (Barton on Humber) Hugh, son of John de Merflete, of Barton died 28th July in the 34th year of the reign of Edward III holding land in Barton; and at Glentworth by service of being usher to the justices on eyre at Lincoln. He also held land of the Hospitallers at Glentham, Hemswell and Worlaby. The heir to Glentham was Roger de Bello Campo of Fillingham. His grandfather Wm. de Bello Campo granted it to Robert Bauge with reversion to the donor with his heirs. From Robert Bauge it descended to his son Robert who died heirless. His sister Elizabeth (Bauge) and heir, wedded John de Merflete, and Hugh was their son. He (Hugh) died a minor in the King's wardship. Hugh son of John de MERFLETE, 25 May 1363, Lincoln. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Hugh, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 28 April, 37 Edward III.(1363) LINCOLN. Inq.(indented) taken at Lincoln. Thursday in Whitsun week, 37 Edward III Barton on Humber. A chief messuage, 4 tofts, 1½ bovates of land and 12a. meadow, held by knight's service of the heir of John de Bello Monte, who in turn holds them of the king in chief by knight's service. He died on 28 July, 34 Edward III,(1360), without heir. The king, by the escheator, has been in possession of the premises since his death, and has received the issues by reason of the minority of Henry son and heir of John de Bello Monte, late a minor in the king's wardship, of whom the premises are held. C. Edw.III File 178. (20.) Humphrey MARFLEIT, 12 Henry II (1166) Before Randolf de Glanville, accountant of the rents for land in Yorkshire. Rot.3. membr.1. in dorso. ... Vnfr de Mfleit + [Odard] + [Hakelot] + Geoffrey 9«d. Humphrey MERFLEIT, 12 Henry II (1166) Michaelmas 1166 Everwich'scr' De prp'sturis ... Vnfr' de Mrfleit & Odard'.& Hakelots & Galfr' .IX. d'. & ob' ... Yorkshire From purprestures ... Humfrey de Merfleit and Odard and Hakelot and Geoffrey 9½d
Joan MARFLEET, c.1368 Ripley. @ Relative: Stephen CHIPMAN. Joan, c.1405 daughter of sir Wm (Adam) MARFLEET of Ripley, knt. married William Holme, Esq., living 6H.IV.1405. issue: Marian, wife of *** Ingleby, John, Holme, of Paul Holme, seized of Thorngumbald in right of his wife, 8H.VI.1429. Johannes MERFLEYT, 1314-1316 Juror, Wymersley Hundred, Northampton. Johannes MERFLEYT, 20 August 1314 Northampton Hundredum de Wymersle .Johannes de Tam Balliuus Juratus .Johannes le Bakere Juratus Ranulfus de Cugho Juratus Henricus Aboueton' de Grendon' Juratus .Henricus de Aula de Cotene Juratus .Johannes le Noreys Juratus Walterus Megermeyn Juratus Johannes le Freman de Essheby Juratus .Rogerus de Medburn' Juratus Electores {.Ricardus de Beseuill' Juratus {Robertus de Byfeld' Juratus .Simon de Braunfeld' Juratus Johannes Merfleyt Juratus Hundred of Wymersle .John de Tame bailiff Sworn .John le Bakere Sworn Ralph de Cugho Sworn Henry Aboveton of Grendon Sworn .Henry de Aula [Hall] of Cotene Sworn .John le Noreys Sworn Walter Megermeyn Sworn John le Freman of Essheby Sworn .Roger de Medburn Sworn Electors {.Richard de Besevill Sworn {Robert de Byfeld Sworn .Simon de Braunfeld Sworn John Merfleyt Sworn John de MERFLET, of Horton, 26 October 1350, Mortlake. son William killed by William Spicer of Northampton. John de MERFLET, 1355 157. John de Merflet. Writ to Saier de Rochford, escheator in co. Lincoln, to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said John. 7 April, 28 Edward III. LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Barton before John Gaunte and John de Elsham, parson of the church of Saxby, deputies of Saier de Rocheford, Friday in Easter week, 28 Edward III. Barton. A messuage and 1½ bovates of land held of the abbot of Bardenay by service of 2s. yearly to him, 2s. to the heirs of John Rous and 16d. to the fee of Barvill; a cottage and 1½ bovates of land held of the prior of Thornholm by service rendering 15s. He died on Friday after St. Peter's Chains, 23 Edward III. Hugh de Merflet, his son, and kinsman and heir of Robert Bauge of Barton, tenant in chief, is his heir. William Brette has been in possession of the aforesaid tenements from the time of the said John's death. C. Edw.III. File 126. (13.) John de MERFLET, 15 September 1360, Westminster. To Walter de Kelby escheator in Lincolnshire. Order not to intermeddle further with one bovate of land in Wolrikby by Elsham, not held of the king, which was taken into the king's hand by the death of John de Merflet of Barton and by reason of the nonage of Hugh son and heir of John and of Elizabeth his wife, delivering up the issues; as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that the said bovate, which Peter Crispyn gave to William Baugy and Agnes his wife and to the heirs of their bodies, with remainder for lack of issue to his own right heirs, came to the king's hands by the death of the said John, who took to wife Elizabeth daughter and heir of Robert Baugy (son and heir of William and Agnes) and survived her, holding other lands in chief, and by reason of the nonage of the said Hugh, that Joan daughter of Robert Crispyn and wife of Adam de Beverlee, and Agnes her sister wife of Thomas Breton, are cousins and next heirs of Peter and of full age, and that the said land ought to remain to them by the form of the gift for that Hugh died within age in the king's wardship without an heir of his body. 15 September 1360, Westminster. To Walter de Kelby escheator in Lincolnshire. Order not to intermeddle further with three tofts, 20 acres of land and meadow, 10s of rent and the moiety of a messuage and one bovate of land in Barton, held of the heir of John de Bello Monte tenant in chief, a minor in the king's wardship, which William Baugy and Agnes his wife lately acquired of divers persons to them and the heirs of agnes, and 10 acres of land and meadow in the town of Barton (held of the said heir) which John de Feriby gave to William and Agnes and the heirs between them begotten, with reversion to John de Feriby and his heirs for lack of such issue, saving to the king the fealty and relief (if any) therof due; as the king has learned by inquisistion, taken by the escheator, that the premises came to the king's hands by the death of John de Merflet of Barton who took to wife Elizabeth daughter and heir of Robert Baugy (son and heir of William and Agnes) and survived her, holding other lands in chief, and by reason of the nonage of Hugh son and heir of the said John and Elizabeth, that Thomas son of Walter de Feriby (brother of Agnes) is cousin and heir of John de Feriby and likewise of the said Hugh, who died during his nonage in the king's wardship without heir of his body, and of full age, and that the said tofts, 20 acres, rent and moiety ought by the form of the gift to descend to Thomas as cousin and heir of Hugh, and the said 10 acres likewise to him as cousin and heir of John de Feriby; and the king has granted by patent to Eleanor who was wife of John de Bello Monte the wardship of her late husband's lands, together with the knights' fees etc., until the lawful age of the heir. To the same. Like order, mutatis mutandis; as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that a messuage, three tofts, 50 acres of land and 24s. 6d. of rent in Barton on Humbre held of the heir of John de Bello Monte as aforesaid, which William son of Walter de Feriby gave to Thomas Saffray of Barton and Agnes his wife (formerly wife of William Baugy) and to the heirs of agnes by Thomas begotten, with remainder successively to Robert son of William Baugy and the heirs of his body and to the right heirs of Thomas Saffray, came to the king's hands by the death of John de Merflet of Barton who took to wife Elizabeth daughter and heir of Robert and survived her, holding other lands in chief, and by reason of the nonage of Hugh son and heir of John and Elizabeth, that William Wryght of Barton is cousin and heir of Thomas and of full age, and that the premises ought to remain to him by the form of the gift, for that Thomas and Agnes died without an heir between them begotten, and likewise Hugh during his nonage and in the king's wardship without an heir of his body. To the same. Like order; as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that a messuage, 50 acres of land and 5s. of rent in Barton held of the heir of John de Bello Monte as above, which John de Merflet of Barton at his death held in his demesne as of fee, came to the king's hands by the death of John, holding other lands in chief by the courtesy of England after the death of Elizabeth late his wife, and by reason of the nonage of Hugh son and heir of John and Elizabeth, that Hugh died during his nonage in the king's wardship without an heir of his body, and that William de Merflet, brother of John and uncle of Hugh, is next heir of the said Hugh and of full age. 20 September 1360, Hadleigh. Order to Walter de Kelby, escheator in the county of Lincoln, - pursuant to an inquisition made by him shewing that a messuage, 2 tofts, 5 bovates of land, 26s. of rent, and a rent of a pound of cummin in Glentworth, erstwhile held in chief by William de Bello Campo by the service of being usher in the eyre of justices at Lincoln, and a toft, 4 bovates of land and 6 acres of land and meadow in the same town and the towns of Helmeswell and Glentham, not held of the king, all which the said William gave to Robert son of William Baugy and Alice, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with reversion to himself and his heirs, came into the king's hand by the death of John de Merflet of Barton, (who took to wife Elizabeth, daughter and heir of the said Robert and Alice, and held the premises after his wife's death by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of Hugh, his wife's son and heir), and by reason of the minority of the said heir, and are thus in the king's hand, and that the said Hugh died without heir of his body while he was he was a minor in the king's ward, and that Roger son of Roger de Bello Campo is kinsman and next heir of William de Bello Campo, and of full age, and that the premises ought to rever to him, - to deliver the premises to the said Roger, as the king has taken his homage and fealty. By p.s. [24880.] 21 September 1363, Westminster. To Walter de Kelby escheator in Lincolnshire. Order to cause Henry son and heir of John de Bello Monte tenant in chief to have seisin of a messuage, four tofts, one bovate of land and a half, and 12 acres of meadow in Barton upon Humber, taken into the king's hand by the death of Hugh son of John de Merflet of Barton and by reason of the nonage of the said Henry; as the king has learned by inquisition, taken by the escheator, that the said Hugh at his death held the premises by knight service of the said Henry, late a minor in the king's wardship, that by reason of his nonage answer is made by the escheator for the time being for the issues thereof from the death of Hugh, who died 28 July in the 34th year of the reign, and that he died without an heir, whereby the premises ought to pertain to Henry as an escheat; and on 14 January in the 34th year the king took the homage and fealty of Henry for all the lands of his heritage. Johanne de MERFLET, 1399 (temp Henry IV) of Ridyng Hall. De Johanne de Merflet pro le Ridyng hall, qa. (Rental, temp. Henry IV Hedon Corporation Records, I.119.) John de MARFLET, 25 April 1400. (2 Hen.IV) Inquisition at Hedon. "John de Marflete hath placed his dunghill in the public way in Stockwell Lane, and obstructed the same way in hurt of the public &c." "Item, they say that there is certain dung in the common highway there, which was sold to or by John de Merflet, and till now remains there in default of the same, and ought by the same John to be removed." John MARFLET, of Burreth, 7 February 1405, Westminster. sued for debt of 40s. (Burreth is an extinct village east of Lincoln.) John MERFLET, 10 September 1413 Deed: Mayor and Burgesses (of Hull) to John Merflet. Conveyance of land lying near Mitongates. Seal of John Merflet. John de MERFLET, 1419 (7 Hen.VI) Was one of a jury of twelve who heard Presentations and Indictments at Hedon. John de MARFLETE, 10 July 1424, Westminster. One of 55 named persons in conflict with Geoffrey abbot of Bardney in an "Indenture reciting that divers disputes having arisen between the abbot and convent and the persons above named, being tenants of land of that town and parishioners of the said church, the abbot and convent complaining that they and other tenants by unlawful harassment caused the abbot and convent by one of the monks or their bailiff at their cost yearly on the feast of St. Peters Chains to provide a breakfast for twelve or fourteen persons, landholders of the town by the parishioners chosen, at the will of those persons, and that without the assent and will of the abbot and convent the persons so chosen chose seven guardians, four of them mounted called 'ryders' and three on foot called 'pynders,' to guard the fields of Barton and save the corn there growing, that the same should be destroyed by no man's cattle until the fulness of autumn and the final carrying of the corn, each of them taking of the abbot and convent in the rectory by their bailiff's hands meat sufficient the whole of that time, 6s.8d. and one load of pease in name of their wages, and for that those named and other the tenants of lands caused them, as rectors of the church, at their cost to provide once a year in autumn before the carrying of the autumn sheaves a banquet in three courses for all holders of land there, laying upon the them as rectors other insupportable and unlawful charges, and witnessing that by mediation of trustworthy men, friends of the parties, and by inspiration of the Holy Ghost, it was agreed that the parishioners named and other the holders of lands there did grant that henceforward the abbot and convent and their successors, their farmers and deputies, shall be quit of the said charges, except that at the said feast the abbot and convent or their bailiff shall choose and depute five guardians, two 'ryders' and three 'pynders,' who shall the same day in presence of the holders of lands at the parish church make oath to guard the fields and corn as best they may for the whole time aforesaid, ..... (Note that John Holme is another named person - could this be the grandson of Sir William Marfleet of Ripley (q.v.)? See also executors of Stephen, bishop of St. David's, under Robert Merflete.) John MARFLET, 1432 (10 Hen.VI) Was one of a jury of twelve sworn at an Inquisition held on 17th October in 10 Hen.VI. Johannes MERFLETE, vynter, 1446-7 Freemen of York - admitted, Johannes Merflete, vynter 25 Henry VI John MERFLET, had died by 1448. Rental of the Commonalty of the town of Hedon . . . in the year of the reign of Henry VI 26th. "...of John Rihill for a section of land on the Market Hill, late John Merflete's 9d." "...of Wm. Pennycoke, for a certain shop, late the said Jno. Merflet, in the market there, 1s.3d." 1459 Rent Roll of the community of Hedon to be collected in the 37th year of the reign of Henry VI. "John Sharp, for a certain place of land there, lately Jno. Marflete's, next to a shop of Robert Thornely, 4½d." "Thomas Halliday, for a selion of herbage, lately John Merflete's." "Alice Baty for her part of the common ground lately John Merflete's, 1d." John MARFLET, 7 March 1452 of Birdlyngton, Will. Had a wife Alice. Johannes MARFLETE, English Merchant, 1453 Navis Ricardi Clement vocata TRYNYTE de Dertmouth applicuit 8 die Aprilis anno 31 regis Henrici sexti. Johannes MARFLETE 5 dol' 1 pipa vini [N.B. dol' - dolium - tun; a large cask containing 250 gallons of wine. pipa - pipe; half a tun or 2 hogsheads i.e. c.125 gallons; used of dry goods carried by the pipe.] John RAWLYNSON or RAWELYNSON alias CONAND, alias MAYRFLETE, of MAREFLETE, or MARFLET, YORKS., 1509-10 438 Pardon Roll, 1 Henry VIII. yeoman or husbandman, 6 May. John MARFLETE, date unknown Chantry called Barrowe Chauntrie. John Marflete and others gave lands and tenements to divers persons living there, and to their heirs, with that intent that the issues and profits thereof should support one chaplain perpetually in the church there, to celebrate and pray for their souls and for the souls of other faithful people. The incumbent whereof is John Toll, of the age of 54 years, by no means fit to serve the cure, who takes and has the issues and profits of the lands and possessions following for his wages, having no other promotion. The parishioners communicating in the parish aforesaid are 474 in number. Lands, etc., by the year ... ... ... £0 56s. 4d. Reprises, etc. ... ... ... ... £0 11s. 2d. Clear value ... ... ... ... £0 45s. 2d. Goods, chattels, etc. ... ... ... none
Katherine, 1360 Hugh, son of John de Merflet of Barton, married Katherine before his death at the age of 12 years.
Lucy, 1259 [m.6.] OF ASSIZES AND PLAINTS AT BEVERLEY ON THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE THE FEAST OF SAINT MATTHEW, IN THE 44th YEAR. [m.6d.]Joan daughter of Gerard SALVAYN puts in her place the said Thomas or Simon son of Ralph against Sibil Lucy and Orfamina, daughters of Adam de Merflet in a plea of dower.
Margery, 1242 wife of William de Merflet (of Northampton?). Matilda MAREFLETE, schoolmistress, 1404 "In 1404 we find the entry of a member of the scholastic profession as a member of the gild which is absolutely unique. In the aldermanry of Hugh Wytham, among the entries is that of 'Matilda Mareflete, schoolmistress in Boston (magistra scolarum in Boston).' This title has been translated 'mistress of the school in Boston,' which would mean the grammar school. Apart from the practical impossibility of the chancellor licensing a woman as head master of the grammar school, it is pretty certain that the word 'grammar' would have appeared in the title if she had been mistress of the grammar school. The record gives us no help towards determining the question whether Matilda Mareflete kept a girls' school or was the mistress of a school of the 'pretties,' or little ones, a preparatory school for a small boy. The second alternative is much the more likely." Matthew de MARFLET, 25 April 1400 (2 Hen.IV) Inquisition at Hedon Upon the oaths of Matthew de Marflet and eleven other named jurymen, that ..... (see John de Marflete). Matthew MARFLET, (late) had died by 1448 Rental of the commonalty of the town of Hedon in the year of the reign of Henry VI 26th. "Of John Rihill, and his wife, for a tenement lately Matth. Marflet's 9d." 1459 Rent Roll of the community of Hedon to be collected in the 37th year of Henry VI. "The feoffees of Wm. Ryhill, Chaplain, for a tenement lately Matthew Merflete's, joining town hall, 9d."
Orfamina, 1259 [m.6.] OF ASSIZES AND PLAINTS AT BEVERLEY ON THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE THE FEAST OF SAINT MATTHEW, IN THE 44th YEAR. [m.6d.]Joan daughter of Gerard SALVAYN puts in her place the said Thomas or Simon son of Ralph against Sibil Lucy and Orfamina, daughters of Adam de Merflet in a plea of dower.
Petro (Peter) de MERFLETT, 4 December 1390 Witness. Petri (Peter) de MERFLET, 1422 (temp Henry VI) of Cudyplace De eodem [Willelmo de Burton] pro tenemento nuper Petri de Merflet vocato Cudyplace, j.d. ob. (Rental, temp. Henry VI Hedon Corporation Records, I.47.) Peter MERFLET, merchant, 26 November 1434 merchant of Kingston upon Hull. Will. Petro MERFLETE de Hull 9 July 1444 Will of John BROMPTON of Beverley. ... Also I give and leave to William Brompton, son of Thomas Brompton ... Also I leave to the same a yellow and black board, which I had from Peter Merflete of Hull. ... Peter MERFLET, (late) 1448 Rental of the Commonalty of the town of Hedon . . . in the year of the reign of Henry VI 26th. "Of the heirs of Peter Merflet, for three selions, late John Butler's, in Westgate 5d." 1459 Rental of the Commonalty of the town of Hedon . . . in the year of the reign of Henry VI 37th. "Of the heirs of Par. Marflete, for three selions of herbage, lately John Butler's, in Walkergate, by Peter Watson's 5d."
Ralph de MERFLETE, 1327 Grant. Ralph de Marflete of Tolby and Alice his wife to Brian(?) of Thornhill kt, half part of lands in fields of Walcote. [Tags & seals] [Nottingham Record Office] Radulphi (Ralph) de MERFLET, 1443 Forisfacture pro tolneto asportato. Et de vij.s. de fine Radulphi de Merflet, mercatoris, pro forisfactura pro tolneto asportato in predictis duobus annis proximo preteritis. Et de ij.s. de forisfactura pro tolneto asportato per Thomam de Burton, sutorem, in predictis duobus annis. Et de xij.d. de fine cujusdam mercatoris de Preston' pro tolneto asportato. Et de ij.s. de find duorum mercatorum de Wyveton' pro tolneto asportato infra idem tempus. Et de vj.d. de fine cujusdam mercatoris de Gaghenstede pro tolneto asportato infra idem tempus. Et de xij.d. de forisfactura de quodam mercatore de Danthorp pro tolneto asportato infra idem tempus. Et de iij.s. de forisfactura cujusdam sutoris vocati Swalow infra idem tempus. Summa, xvj.s. vj.d. Richarde MARFLETE, 24 March 1536 Brother, named in the Will of George Marflete of Haynton (q.v.). 12 March 1542 Named in the Will of William Marflete as Richard the elder, but believed to be his brother. 1 March 1551 Will, proved Lincoln 6 June 1552. Mentions: Robert Marflete; Margaret my daughter; William Marflet the elder; Richarde Marflet; John Marflet; Leonarde my son; William my son; Joanne my daughter; Catheryne my daughter; Agnes my daughter. Richarde MARFLETE, 24 March 1536 Named as son of William in the Will of George Marflete of Haynton (q.v.). also appears in the same Will as a witness, Richarde Marflete the younger. 12 March 1542 Witness to the Will of William Marflete when named as Richard the elder, but believed to be his son. 1 March 1551 Mentioned in the Will of Richarde Marflet (q.v.). Robert, filio Elene, 1297 Merflet. De Roberto filio Elene, ijs vjd (It is NOT confirmed that Robert is the son of Elena de Merflet.) Robert de MERFLET, 3 June 1310, Windsor. dug turves (inter alia) at South Cave belonging to Peter de Eyville, a ssaulted his servants, Roger le Bretun and William de Aghton, and carried away his goods. Robert de MERFLET, 1310 Once again we hear of a case of immorality in a letter addressed in 1310 to Roger de Driffield (quondam abbati) of Meaux concerning Brothers Robert de Merflet and Stephen de Ulram his fellow monks, who had been guilty of incontinence and incest with Elizabeth de Ruda, nun of Swine. (From the following documents this is not strictly accurate. Robert and Stephen were both charged with incontinence and incest with Isabella de St. Quintin, but only Robert faced a similar charge concerning Elizabeth de Ruda. It would also seem that only Elizabeth had to submit to purgation.) Robertus de MERFLET, monk, 14 September 1310, Watton' (Watton: a parish and village in the East Riding of Yorkshire, 5.5 miles south of Driffield. A Gilbertine priory was established in 1150 on the site of a nunnery dating from 680.) Fratri Rogero de Driffeld, quondam abbati monasterij de Melsa et abbatis qui nunc est, eo in remotis agente, vices gerenti. Quoniam per quasdam speciales visitaciones, in monasterijs de Swyna et de Killingge per certos clericos nostros familiares vice et auctoritate nostra nuper factas, comperimus quod fratres Robertus de Merflet et Stephanus de Ulram, commonachi domus vestre, super incontinencia et incestu cum domina Isabella de sancto Quintino, celeraria monasterij de Killingge; quodque dictus frater Robertus super incontinencia et incestu cum domina Elizabetha de Ruda, moniali domus de Swyna, commissis, sunt graviter diffamate; volentes, prout ad nostrum pertinet officium, periculis animarum congruis remedijs obviare ac vobis ad presens graciam facere specialem, vobis injungimus et mandamus quatinus predictos monachos et confratres vestros super infamia predicta vice predicti abbatis jexta regulares vestri ordinis observancias ad racionem ponentes, eos, si convicti fuerint, debite corrigatis vel purgacionem eis canonicam indicatis, predictos monachos vestros a frequentibus et suspectis accessibus ad dicta monasteria et moniales eorundem taliter refrenantes quod contra eos decetero sinistra suspicio minime oriatur; ne ob vestri seu abbatis vestri predicti negligenciam vel defectum ad premissa manus nostras oporteat extendere contra ipsos. Valete. To brother Roger de Driffeld, late abbot of the monastery of Melsa [Meaux] and agent vice-gerent of the present abbot. Since by certain special visitations, in the monasteries of Swyne and of Killingge lately made by certain our familiar clerks with our power and authority, we have found that brothers Robert de Merflet and Stephen de Ulram, fellow-monks of your house, upon incontinence and incest with lady Isabella de St Quintin, cellaress of Killingge monastery; and that the said brother Robert upon incontinence and incest with lady Elizabeth de Ruda, nun of the house of Swyne, committed, are gravely accused; wishing, so far as pertains to our office, to obviate the perils of the souls with appropriate remedies and to make special grace to you in this, we enjoin and notify you nevertheless that you examine the said monks and your colleagues concerning the said misdeeds in the place of the said abbot according to the rules of your order, and, if they should be convicted, they should be duly corrected or canonical purgation pronounced, and so restraining the said your monks from frequent and suspect visits to the said monasteries and the nuns of the same that in future less evil suspicion should arise against them; nor that on account of your negligence or fault or that of your abbot it shall become necessary to extend our authority against them in these matters. Farewell. (Meaux, or Melsa, is a township and hamlet, in the parish of Wawne, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, 3 miles east of Beverley. A Cistercian abbey was founded here in the 12th century by William le Gros, Earl of Albemarle, and was peopled from Fountains. The remains are scanty, consisting of a fragment of a wall. The site of the church and the moats are traceable. Some fine tessellated pavement and tomb slabs have been found on the site, and are preserved at a house near.) Robert de MERFLET, monk, 21 November 1310, Doncastre Commission to master Alan de Cotum, official of the archdeacon, to receive in the monastery of Swyne the purgation of dame Elizabeth de Ruda, a nun of Swyne, accused of incest with brother Robert de Merflet, a monk of Meaux, cum sua xija manu honestorum monialium domus predicte. [with her 12-hand of honest nuns of the said house] (The parish church at Swine is all that is left of a Cistercian nunnery, founded in the 1150s and originally for both nuns and canons; along with other nunneries, including the Yorkshire Sinningthwaite, Swine was refused admission to the order until after 1213, although observing Cistercian customs from much earlier. The church, which is Late Norman of c. 1180, was partially rebuilt in the 15c; its furnishings include pre-Dissolution choir-stalls and screens, with tombs of the Hilton family, patrons and lords of the manor.) Robert MERFLETE of Yorkshire, 6 March 1386, (9 Richard II) Westminster. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of Robert de Garton, John Kateryngton, William Dorkynge and Robert Merflete of Yorkshire, in favour of John Cappe at suit of John Elys chaplain averring threats. Robert MIRFLETE, 22 December 1391 Instituted as Incumbent (Deacon) of St. Peter's Church. (Resigned on moving to Sutton). 2 November 1413 Instituted as Incumbent of the College Chapel. (Died in office - successor instituted 9 December 1432). Masters of Sutton - Robert Marflete, appointed 1413, died 1432. Robert MERFLETE, 18 June 1414 Bologna Indult to Robert Merflete, priest, of the diocese of York, to have a portable altar. lord Robert MERFLETE, 29 December 1417 The will of brother Stephen Patryngton bishop of Man. (made 16 November 1417, proved 29 December 1417.) ... Also I leave to lord Robert Merflete my cousin a silver cup with a gilt cover with a white eagle on the boss, together with a very small gilt ewer ... Robert MERFLETE, clerk, 21 February 1418, Westminster. Commitment to master William Newporte and Robert Merflete, clerks, and John Holym, - by mainprise of Salomon Oxney, goldsmith, and William Hanewell, grocer, both of London, - of the guardianship of all the temporalities of the bishopric of Chichester, which are in the king's hands by reason of the voidance of the bishopric, together with all liberties, franchises and rights in any wise pertaining to the said bishopric; to hold the same from the time of the death of Stephen, late bishop of St. Davids, late guardian of the said temporalities, for as long as the temporalities ought to remain in the king's hand for the cause aforesaid, rendering at the Exchequer 650 marks a year, payable by equal portions at the Annunciation, Midsummer, Michaelmas and at the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle; provided always that if the king shall restore the temporalities to any bishop after any of the said terms, then answer shall be made only for the due proportion in respect of the demesne lands of the said temporalities from the last term of payment up to the day of the said restitution; and provided also that the said William Newporte, Robert and John during the voidance be in no wise charged with the payment of any tenths to be granted to the king's use after the death of Stephen for the said temporalities; and with clause touching maintenance of buildings. By bill of William Kynwolmerssh, the treasurer's deputy. Vacated on surrender, since the king, with the assent of the said William Newporte, Robert and John, committed the said guardianship by a certain mainprise to master Henry Ware, clerk, Robert Frye and John Cheser, to hold the same under a certain form. And so these letters are cancelled. Robert MERFLETE, clerk, 12 June 1418, Westminster. Commitment to Robert Frye and John Cheser, - by mainprise of Walter Pope of London, 'draper,' and John Kenefy of London, 'grocer,' - of the guardianship of all the temporalities of the bishopric of Chichester, which are in the king's hands by reason of the voidance of the bishopric, together with all liberties, franchises and rights in any wise pertaining to the said bishopric; to hold the same, with all issues, from the Annunciation last for as long as the temporalities shall remain in the king's hands for the cause aforesaid, rendering 650 marks yearly at the Exchequer by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter; provided always that if the king shall restore the temporalities to any bishop after any of the said terms, then answer shall be made only for the due proportion in respect of the demesne lands of the said temporalities from the last term of payment up to the day of the said restitution; and provided also that the said Robert Frye and John Cheser during the voidance be in no wise charged with the payment of any tenths to be granted to the king's use after the death of Stephen late bishop of St. Davids, late guardian of the said temporalities, for the said temporalities; and with clause touching maintenance of buildings; as master William Newporte and Robert Merflete, clerks, and John Holym, - to whom the king by letters patent [p.233 above] lately committed the said guardianship from the time of the death of the said Stephen for as long as the said temporalities should remain in the king's hand, at a yearly farm of 650 marks payable by equal portions at the Annunciation, Midsummer, Michaelmas and at the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, - have surrendered the said letters in the Chancery for cancellations, to the end that the said Robert Frye and John Cheser may have the said guardianship with the issues forthcoming from the said temporalities from the Annunciation last. By bill of William Kynwolmerssh, the treasurer's deputy. 9 July 1421 Benedict bishop of St. Davids to William Neuport, Robert Merflete clerks and John Holym, executors of Stephen bishop of St. Davids his last predecessor. Release of all actions, suits and demands for repair of the churches, castles, manors and buildings of the bishopric whatsoever by reason of their administration of the late bishop's goods. Dated 9 July 9 Henry V Memorandum of acknowledgment, 14 July. lord Robert MERFLETE, 14 November 1426 Collation of a fourth prebend of the cross in the church of St John, Chester Also at Eccleshale 14 November in the year abovesaid Reverend father lord William bishop of Coventry and Lichfield conferred the canonry and fourth prebend of the cross in his collegiate church of St John, Chester, vacant by the free resignation of master Gregory Neuport last canon and prebendary of the same, and belonging by full right to his collation, to his beloved in Christ Richard Neuport clerk, mindful of charity, instituted the same canon and prebendary canonically in the same with all its rights and appurtenances: and the same day he notified the dean of the place or his lieutenant to admit the said Richard into the brotherhood &c as in form above Exchange of the prebend of Cledy in St David's church and the prebend of St John, Chester To the Reverend in Christ the Father and the Lord lord W by the grace of God bishop of Co. and Lich', Benet by divine permission bishop of St David's [sends] greetings and constant increase of affection. [Whereas] our beloved in Christ lord Robert Merflete canon of our cathedral church of St David's and prebendary of the prebend of Cledy in the same, and Richard Neuport clerk canon of your collegiate church of St John, Cestr', of your diocese, and prebendary in the same, which master Gregory Neuport lately obtained in the same, and intending (as he stated) in this manner to exchange the benefices canonically, as far as the consent and authority of those concerned shall allow in this behalf: we, giving our assent to this manner of exchange, by the tenor of these presents commit our powers for your reverence therefore to hear, examine and fully discuss the case and the business of the exchange aforesaid, and having found the same case to be true and lawful, to approve the same and to authorize the said exchange, as well as, assuming our power and authority, to receive the resignation of the said lord Robert Merflete from his canonry and prebend aforesaid, granting the same at out collation with full right appertaining, to the said Richard Neuport by means of and from the case of the said exchange, and to install and invest him canonically in the same with all its rights and appurtenances, and to do, exercise and expedite all and singular other things which may be necessary or opportune in the business of the said exchange for your induction and installation of the said Richard in bodily possession of the said canonry and prebend, and reserving canonically his obedience to us, particularly requesting inasmuchas as touches the burden of our commission to you in this matter, that your reverence will certify to us of all that you shall do in the premises, that the son of the immaculate virgin may maintain the bountiful rule of the lord among the church and flock to them committed: Given in our Palace of St David's under our seal 21 October 1426 and in the ninth year of our translation And remember that 8 November the same year at Eccleshale the business of the said exchange was expedited by the said Reverend father in the Lord W bishop of Co. and Li. And the said Reverend father conferred the said canonry and prebend which the said Richard Neuport lately obtained in the collegiate church of St John, Cestr', by the free resignation of the same Richard made because of the exchange aforesaid into the hands of the lord, and by the same Reverend father, the case and business of the exchange aforesaid having been first discussed and approved both as committed by the said Reverend father lord Benedict by the grace of God bishop of St David's in this matter, and as ordained by his own authority, lawfully accepted and vacant and at his collation in full right appertaining, to the said lord Roberto Marflete by reason of the exchange, and in the person of master John Burton clerk, bachelor of both laws. his procurator for this lawfully appointed, and the same master John in the person of the said his lord instituted the canonry and prebend canonically in the same with all its rights and appurtenances. And notification was sent to the dean of the place or his lieutenant to admit him in the brotherhood and to install and induct him according to the custom of ancient time Collation of the canonry and prebend of Cledy in the cathedral church of St David's on account of the said exchange Also the same day and place the said Reverend father lord W bishop of Co and Li conferred the said canonry and prebend of Cledy in the cathedral church of St David's aforesaid being by the free resignation of the said lord Robert Merflete last canon and prebendary of the same by the hands of John Burton' his procurator aforesaid for this lawfully appointed on account of the oftmentioned exchange in the hands of the lord the Reverend father done and by him discussed &c as above accepted and belonging, as is said, to the collation of the said Reverend father lord Benet bishop of St David's by full right, to the said Richard Neuport because of the oftmentioned exchange, and instituted him canonically canon and prebendary in the same with all its rights and appurtenances And the same day to certify to the lord of St David's the expedition of the premises Collation of the fourth prebend of the Cross in the collegiate church of St John, Cestr' Also at Eccleshale [blank] December the said year the said Reverend father lord William by the grace of God bishop of Co' and Lich' conferred the canonry and prebend of the fourth prebend of the Cross in the collegiate church of St John, Cestr', vacant by the free resignation of lord Robert Merflete last canon and prebendary of the same made beforehand into the hands of the said Reverend and by him admitted, and to his collation by full right belonging, to his beloved clerk master Gregory Neuport clerk bachelor in decretals, mindful of his charity with all its rights and appurtenances, and notified the dean of the place or his lieutenant to admit the same master Gregory into the canonry and brotherhood &c and in manner above expressed Robert MERFLETE, 12 February 1432 Master of Hospital of Sutton in Holderness. Will. Robert MERFLETE (late) 3 October 1440 see under Simon Merflete.Roger de MERFLET, c.1290 Huddlestone in Sherburn [temp.Edward I] Grant of a little land by Adam Pacock of Sherburn to sir John de Meus. Witnesses: sir John de Reygate knight, sir John de Belaqua knight, sir William de Rye knight, William de Spineta bailiff of Sherburn, William Stirchup of Fenton, Richard son of Roger de Levenaton, Richard son of Alexander de Hudelston, Roger his son, Roger de Merflet of the same place, etc. (Huddlestone and Lumby, township and parish of Sherburn in the West Riding of Yorkshire, 7 miles N.N.E. of Pontefract; 1,423 acres.) Roger de MERFLET, 25 October 1341. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Robert Brid, vicar of the church of Quenyngburgh, of four messuages, three virgates of land, and 4 acres, 1 rood, of meadow, in Quenynburgh, Belgrave and Reresby, to a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the parish church of Quenyngburgh for the good estate of the said Robert and Matilda, Eda and Isolda, his sisters, Thomas Poutrel of Radeclyve, parson of the church of Olneye, and Isolda and Margaret his sisters, Roger de Merflet and Richard Bythebrok, for their souls when they are dead, and for the souls of the fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and relations of the said Robert and Thomas, as well for the souls of Alice Pachet, William her son, Nicholas brother of the said William, William Cochet, Edith his wife, Henry le Barkere, John and Richard his brothers, and Thomas le Smyth of Thurmaston, Matilda his wife, and Henry his son. By fine of 6 marks paid in the hanaper.
Sibil, 1259 [m.6.] OF ASSIZES AND PLAINTS AT BEVERLEY ON THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE THE FEAST OF SAINT MATTHEW, IN THE 44th YEAR. [m.6d.]Joan daughter of Gerard SALVAYN puts in her place the said Thomas or Simon son of Ralph against Sibil Lucy and Orfamina, daughters of Adam de Merflet in a plea of dower. Simon, 1135-1154 brother of Adam, lord of Merfleet, who granted him '1 man'sum and 1 bovate of land'. Symonde (Simon) MERFLETE, (1227?) [Nottingham Record Office] sir Simon de MARFLETE, knight c.1250 Witness to a transfer of land. Simon de MERFLEET, 20 September 1334. Ordained as a priest at the ordination of 1 Acolyte, 5 Subdeacons, 1 Deacon and 2 Priests. Simon of Marfleet had not stayed a whole year as Deacon but was licensed by Nicholas of Huggate. Simon de MERFLEET, 1347 Appointed one of 6 chaplains to the Chapel of St. James. (The Chapel was separated from the mother Church at Waghen 1223.) Instituted Chaplain of the Second Chantry 1347. Simon MARFLETE, 16 June 1397, Church of St Leonard's Hospital, York. Ordinations celebrated by Br. Oswald, Bishop of Withorn and Suffragan of Archbishop Waldby ... Deacons ... Simon Marflete to t. [title] of the collegiate church of Beverley for all orders ... Simon MARFLETE, 22 September 1397, Conventual Church of Holy Trinity, Micklegate, York Ordinations celebrated by Br. Oswald, Bishop of Withorn and Suffragan of Archbishop Waldby ... Priests ... Simon Marflete to t. [title] of the collegiate church of Beverley. ... Simon de MARFLETE, 1418 (6 Henry V). Was on of a jury of twelve who heard Presentments and Indictments at Hedon. Simon de MARFLETE, 6 December 1418 Listed as a juror at the Presentments and Indictments taken at Hedon. Simon de MIRFLEET, 2 June 1427 Instituted Incumbent of All Hallows, Routh. Patron - Jno. ROOS of Routh. (Simon vacated this position to take up the vicarship of Waghen.) 14 July 1431 Instituted as vicar of St. Peter's Church Waghen. (Died holding office - successor appointed 12 April 1464.) Simon MERFLETE, 3 October 1440 Florence Mandate to the bishops of Lincoln and Trau [Tragurien], and the abbot of Nusum in the diocese of Lincoln: The petition of Simon Sellere, master or warden, and the chaplains of the church, called the chapel, of St James of the town of Sutton in Hoboernes [orectius Holdernes] in the diocese of York, contained that although the right of burying the bodies of all the inhabitants of the said town of Sutton and of the towns of Staneffery and Lopholme in the said place, who elect to be buried at the said church, and of children [impuberum], and the oblations etc. arising therefrom, lawfully belong to the said master or warden and chaplains, who have been in peaceable possession thereof from the time of the foundation of the said church, nevertheless the late Robert Thyas, perpetual vicar of Wagen in the said place, asserting that all the bodies of the inhabitants of the said towns which are within the bounds of the said parish, not electing to be buried elsewhere, and of children, save the bodies of the said master or warden and chaplains, lawfully come for burial in the said parish church and its cemetery, and alleging that (under pretext of a certain amicable composition or concord made between him and the late Robert Merflete, then master or warden, and the said chaplains, about the right of burying the bodies of the said inhabitants in the said church of St James and its cemetery, and of taking the oblations etc. arising therefrom) the right of burying the bodies of the said inhabitants, and of taking the oblations etc. arising therefrom belonged to him, brought the said Robert, master or warden, and chaplains (as burying in the said church of St James and its cemetery, without leave of the said Robert de Thyas, a number of the bodies of the said inhabitants, even children, and not consigning to him the oblations etc.) before the official of York, not by papal delegation, for the purpose of obtaining a declaration that the right of burying bodies in the said church of St James and its cemetery, save only the bodies of the said master of warden and chaplains, and of taking the oblations etc. arising therefrom, had lawfully belonged and did belong to the said Robert de Thyas by reason of the said parish church, and that the burials of the said bodies in the said church of St James and its cemetery, after and against the said concord, had been and were abusive [temerariusi] and that therefore the bones ought to be exhumed and conveyed to him and the said parish church, with the oblations etc., and that the said Robert, warden or master, should be compelled to pay to him the said oblations etc.; that the said official promulgated a definitive sentence against the said master or warden and chaplains, from which they appealed to the apostolic see; that the present pope, at the instance of the said Robert Merflete and chaplains, committed the cause of the appeal to Anthony bishop of Urbino, then a papal chaplain and auditor, who (after Robert Thyas, under pretext of the said sentence, had taken the said oblations and had resigned the said vicarage, and after Robert Merflete had died, and after both Simon Merflete and the above Simon Sellere, who had obtained the said parish church and mastership or wardenship respectively, had entered upon the said cause, and after the said Simon Merflete had in many ways molested etc. the said Simon Sellere and chaplains) pronounced by a definitive sentence the proceedings etc. of the said official bad, revoked his said sentence, the appeal of the said Simon Sellere and chaplains good, and imposed perpetual silence on the said Simon Merflete, condemning him in the costs, etc.; that Simon Merflete's appeal from the sentence of the said Anthony was committed by the pope to master Francis de Cruylles, a papal chaplain and auditor, who by a definitive sentence decreed the proceedings of the said Anthony good and confirmed his said sentence, condemning Simon Merflete in the costs in the cause before him; that Simon Merflete's appeal from the sentence of master Francis was committed by the pope to Baptista elect of Chieti [Theatin], then a papal chaplain and auditor, who by a definitive sentence pronounced the proceedings of master Francis good, except his condemnation of the said Simon Marflete in costs, confirmed his said sentence and pronounced Simon Merflete's appeal bad, condemning him in the costs in the cause before himself, the said Baptista, elect (who had been meanwhile promoted by the Pope to the said see), subsequently taxing the costs incurred before the said Anthony bishop, Francis and himself at 130 gold florins of the camera. Seeing that, as the said petition added, the said Simon Sellere and chaplains doubt whether the said Simon Merflete will obey the sentences of the said bishop, elect and Francis, and the proceedings to be taken in vigour of these presents, the Pope orders the above to execute and publish the said sentences, cause the said Simon Sellere and chaplains to have peaceable enjoyment of the said right, and satisfaction to be made to them in respect of the said costs, invoking the aid of the secular arm etc. Simon MERFLETE, clerk, 20 June 1457 South Cave. 138, June 20, 35 Henry VI. Release by Simon Merflete, clerk, to John Ellerker of Moretowne in Holderness, esquire, and Thomas Hucknall, clerk, of all the right in the lands, etc., in South cave, Bugflete, Swanland, Elveley, Drewton, Ketilthorp, and Hothom, which he together with John Constable of Halsham, Thomas Santon of South Cave, Robert son of John Inggilby of Rippley, John Crosse, and William Letters, deceased, had had of the grant and feoffment of John Ellerker of Rysceby. Waghen Simon MERFLETE, 24 August 1462 Vicar of Waghen, Will. sir Simon MERFLET, vicar of Waghen 24 August 1462 Will proved 25 May 1464. mentions un-named sister (who is, presumably, still alive), Elyn my servant, Agnes my servant, Sir John ROS and others. Testamentum Domini Simonis Merflet vicarij de Waghen Codicillus Coram Deo et hominibus, etc. It is my will yat my sister have ij kye, j qwye, xl yerds of lyncloth, xl yerds of herden cloth, vj codds, iij par shetes, j bolster, a federbed, j par blanketts, iiij coverletts, v brasse potts, j led, ij caldrons, ij wirt pannes, j basyn pan, j litill pan, j gret frying pan, j basyn, j laver, j spit, ij cobyrens, all ye old pewtr vesell wt all ye tre vessell, a gilt maser; and after hir disces to remayn to ye gild, so yt yai sell it never: j almery in ye somerhall, a spere in ye sam, a par qwernes, j par of gallows wt hingils, tongs, a scomer, a brandreth, ij mete clothes, iiij towelles, a copstole, a falding burd, ye chekir, a chayer wt fourmes, stoles and burds to hir plesyng, the helm, ye hay, all ye wodd, colles, turves yt langs to ye place, all ye malt yat is in ye new hous chaumbre and all ye whete yt tenes, after my disces, iiij bakon fliks, ij beffe fliks, ij haldyng swyne, a kymenay, a screne of yren, and all my sylver spones. Also ye new hows wt all ye commodities longyng yer to, during hir lyve, and after hir disces to reman unto Robert Baxter and his assyners, and ye seid Robert shall make one obbitt for my soule xx yere, every yer ijs, and yer to witnes Robert Fobit, Thomas Hoton, Robert Bate and John Bate. Also I gyve to Elyn my servant a cow, a calf, a matrysse, ij par shetes, a par harden, a par lyn, a par blanketts, a bolster, ij codds, ij brasse potts a more and a lesse, a pan and ij coverletts. Also to Agnes my servant and to hir moder a cow, a posnett. To Sir John Ros xxs my Jorenall, a litill almery, a cheyr, my best gown. To Sir John Horton xxs for a quarter sold', a cheyr. To Sir William xxsw for a quarter sowd'. To Sir Simond Freher a maser, a cheyr, a grene hallyng, a noble to receave of Thomas Dower. x yerds of lyn cloth to Richard Metcalf. To my Maister Chauncelor j borden bed, a feder bed, a par blanketts, a par of best shetes, ij coverlettsw, a bolster, ij codds, a selor, iij curtynes, a litill maser, vj pewtre doblers, vj disches, vj salsers, a gret pot, a gret pan. Also I will yt ye leve in ye place, unto ye vicars behove, a burden bed, a feder bed, a par blanketts, a par shetes, a bolster, a cod, a coverlet, a dosser, a lang bord, a par trists, a chair, a led, a mask fatt, a gyle fatt, a salt fatt, uppon ye condicion yt he will tak it in ye reparacion, and if he will not, it to be sold unto ye seid reparacion. Also to ye Prioress of Swyne xxs. To ye vicar and parich prest of ye same vjs viijd. To ye kirk of Merflet vjs viijd. To ye chapell of Seynt Jamez xijd. Staphanus, In 12 Henry III (1228), there was a petition against Adam de Authorp' brought by Willelmus de Mersflet. In answering the claim, Adam gives the lineage of both himself and William. ' Staphanus habuit tres filios, scilicet Willelmum Stephanum et Simonem; et Willelmus, qui fuit primogenitus, habuit unum filium, Wil- lelmum nomine, patrem predicti Ade; ..... ...... et predictus Willelmus exiit de Stephano postnato filio Stephani proavi.' Stephanus de MERFLET, 1155-1170 Willelmus filius ejus, Witness [testes] to a Grant. Stephen de MEREFLET, Michaelmas (29 September) 1170 EVERWICHSCR' De Plac' Alan' de Neuill' iunioris. & Will'i Basset. Steph's de Mreflet deb' .II. m' p stulto responso d th'ro. YORKSHIRE From the pleas of Alan de Nevill junior and William Bassett. Stephen de Mereflet owes 2 marks for a foolish response: due to the treasury. Stephen de MEREFLET, Michaelmas (29 September) 1171 EVERWICHSCR' De Plac' Alan' de Neuill' Iunioris. & Will'i Basset. Steph's de Mereflet redd' Comp' de .II. m' p stulto resp'. In th'ro lib'au'. Et Qiets est. YORKSHIRE From the pleas of Alan de Nevill junior and William Bassett. Stephen de Mereflet renders account of 2 marks for a foolish response. He has delivered into the treasury. And is quit. Stephanus de MEREFLET, 1166-1175? Witness to a Charter. Stephano de MERFLET, (Late Henry II, not later than 1182.) ...Willelmo filio eius... Witness to two charters. Stephanus de MERFLET, ante 1193 Witness to a Charter. Stephanus de MERIFLET, 1203 Radulfus de Welewic . et Ricardus f. Henrici . et Petrus de Frisemareis . et Stephanus de Meriflet r.c. de x m. ut de cetero uexentur de seruitio quod ab eis exigebatur ad opus R. de tenementis suis unde summoniti fuerunt . coram R. apud Ebor' quod seruitium ipsi non debent facere quia nichil tenent in capite de R. In thes. lib. Et Q. E. Stephen de MARFLEET, c.1250 Was one of twelve testators to transfer of land at Flinton. Stephen MEREFLET, of Barton Trinity.1276 Lincoln Solomon son of Samuel, a Jew, offered himself on the fourth day against Richard Rudde, tenant of a part of the lands late of William le Bretun, touching a plea of debt. And Richard came not: and the sheriff was ordered to cause him to come. And the sheriff reported that William Carpentar' of Barton' and Thomas de Croxton' in the same and William Gaunt of Barton' and Stephen Mereflet of the same mainperned Richard Rudde: and they had him not; therefore they are in mercy. Judgment that he distrain by lands ..... and that he have his body before &c for three weeks from the day of St John the Baptist to answer &c and hear &c Stephen de MERFLET, (1250-1277?) fo 28b Stephen de Merflet, Test: fo 32b " " " " fo 44b " " " " fo 65 " " " " fo 93b " " " " fo175 " " " " At Askham 8th Ides of April (no year) fo196 " " " " At Coulon, at Pentecost 1261. fo206b " " " " fo211b " " " " fo235 " " " " (fo236 dated 1277) Stephano de MERFLET, c.1398 Appears in Wardens Accounts of the Church of St. Augustine. ... Et soluti Stephano de Merflet pro labore suo, x.s. ...
Thome MERFLET, c.1405 Proctors Accounts of the Chantry of St. Mary. Et sic debet lxxiiij.[s. v.d] De quibus allocati ei viij.d. ex redditu j. tenementi nuper Isabelle Sourcale, xviij.d. de redditu unius . . . Thome Merflet . . . croftum . . . Et sic debet lxxij.s. iij.d. ... Thomas MERFLETE, chaplain, 8 October 1428 Deed: Robert Tuppe to John Grymesby and Thomas Merflete, chaplain. Conveyance of three tenements in Marketgate. Robert Holme, mayor, and other named witnesses. Seal. Thomas MERFLETE, chaplain, 11 October 1428 Deed: John Grymesby and Thomas Merflete, chaplain, to Robert Tuppe and Avice, his wife. Conveyance of three tenements in Marketgate. Robert Home, mayor, and other named witnesses. Seal. Thomas MERFLETE, chaplain, 30 April 1429 Deed: John Bilton, draper, to Nicholas Clerk, clerk, rector to the Church at Spoffoth, John Roos, Thomas Merflete, chaplains, and Thomas Swanland of Beverley, draper. Conveyance of a tenement in Munkgate. Robert Holme, mayor, and other named witnesses. Seal. Thomas MERFLETE, 12 November 1429, Preston. Witness. Thomas MERFLETE, 20 November 1429, Preston. Witness. Thomas MERFLETE, chaplain 6 April 1432, Beverley. Grant by Elizabeth Stapilton, wife of Miles Stapilton, late of Laxdon by Hobbden, gentleman, and daughter and heir of William Spayn formerly of Cotyngham gentleman, son and heir of John Spayne formerly of the same, gentleman: to William Yottyn of Beverley mercer: of all her lands, tenements, etc. in Kyngeston-on-Hull, with attorney to Thomas Merflete chaplain and John Charters smyth to deliver seisin. Witnesses: Thomas Skypwyth merchand (sic), Thomas Colbek merchand, William Lorimer mercer, etc. Thomas Marflete, clerk, Undated, probably between 1432 and 1438/9 To the most reverend father in God, John, Bishop of Bath and Wells, Chancellor of England. Your poor supplicant Walter Frost humbly petitions that Thomas Frost, the father of this same Walter and of whom he is the heir, on account of the great confidence which he placed in one John Rosse, clerk, gave to this same John certain deeds and muniments concerning some lands and tenements which belonged to the aforesaid Thomas in the town of Kingston upon Hull and elsewhere in the county of Yorkshire and also some documents concerning the right of advowson to a chantry in the chapel of the Trinity in the town of Kingston upon Hull, as above, which John Rosse on account of the great confidence which he placed in Thomas Marflete, clerk, and John Newerk, draper, made them his executors, putting the onus on them of delivering to your said petitioner all the deeds and documents connected with the lands, tenements, and the chantry, as described above, which were in his keeping. The said John Rosse died and by his death it is for the said petitioner to present to the chantry, as above. But the said Thomas Marflete and John Newerk, having confidence that Thomas Dalehouse, clerk, had the right of presentation to the aforesaid chantry, delivered to this same Thomas Dalehouse some of the documents concerning the right of advowson to the aforesaid chantry against the orders and wishes of the aforesmentioned testator in perpetual disinheritance of the right of advowson to the chantry of your said petitioner, unless it may please your gracious lordship to consider the evidence and on that basis grant several briefs sub poena to the same Thomas Marflete and John Newerk to appear before you on a certain day to be decided on by you for the purpose of examining the said documents, considering that the said Thomas Dalehouse has presented a chaplain who has been admitted and inducted to the aforesaid chantry, and considering how your said petitioner for lack of the aforementioned documents is likely to be disinherited forever, unless your gracious lordship acts in this matter. Pledges for persecution, John Cotynham, clerk. (Thurstan Bandster). Thomas MERFLETE, chaplain, 26 April 1433 Deed: John Grymesby to Ralph Forne and Stephen Gildhous, merchants, and Thomas Merflete and John Wilde, chaplains. Conveyance of a messuage with nine tenements annexed in Kirk Lane. Thomas Marshall, mayor, and other named witnesses. Seal. Thomas MERFLETE, chaplain, 1 June 1434 Deed: Thomas Merflete, chaplain, to Richard Flynton, clerk. Conveyance of a tenement in Whitfreregate. John Grymesby, mayor, and other named witnesses. Seal. Thomas MERFLETE, chaplain, 1 November 1437 Deed: John Gregge, merchant, to Robert Kirketon, merchant. Power of Attorney to deliver seisin of three tenements in Markitgate to Ralph Forne, Stephen Gildhous, merchants, Thomas Merflete and John Wylde, chaplains. Seal. Thomas MARFLETE,chaplain, 8 March 1437/8 Deed: Robert Tuppe, merchant, and Avice, his wife, to Ralph Forne, merchant, Thomas Marflete, John Wilde, chaplains, and Stephen Gildhous, merchant. Bond. Two seals. Thomas MARFLETE, chaplain, 8 March 1437/8 Deed: Robert Tuppe, merchant, and Avice, his wife, to Ralph Forne, merchant, Thomas Marflete, John Wilde, chaplains, and Stephen Gildhous, merchant. Conveyance of three tenements in Marketgate. Robert Holme, mayor, and other named witnesses. Two seals. Thomas MARFLETE, chaplain, 23 May 1438 Deed: Ralph Forne, Thomas Marflete, chaplain, John Wilde, chaplain, and Stephen Gildhous from Robert Tuppe, and Avice, his wife. Fine, grant of three messuages in Kyngeston upon Hull. Thomas MARFLETE, chaplain, 27 October 1438 Deed: Nicholas Clerke, clerk, rector of the Church of Spofford; John Roos; Thomas Marflete, chaplain, and Thomas Swanland of Beverley, draper, to William Sharpe and John Dodyngton, chaplains. Conveyance of a messuage and shops in Marketgate at the North-east corner of Holy Trinity Churchyard, and a tenement in Munkgate for the term of the life of Alice, widow of John Bilton, draper, with remainder to John Brigge, John Wilde and William Saunderson, chaplains, excepting a new chamber erected opposite the North door of Holy Trinity Church to remain to Ellen Tarry for her life. John Aldewik, mayor, and other named witnesses. Five seals. Thomas MARFLETE, chaplain, 27 October 1438 Deeds: Two copies of deed D324 (supra) with four seals differing from the five seals of the earlier deed. Thomas MARFLETE, chaplain, 15 February 1439/40 Deed: Peter Kynder of the County of Derby to Gerard Hesyll, clerk, Thomas Knyght, clerk, Thomas Marflete, chaplain and William Whetelay of Anlaby. Conveyance of a tenement in Hul Strete. John Aldewyke, mayor, and other named witnesses. Seal. Thomas MARFLETE, chaplain, 20 April 1440 Deed: Gerard Hesyll, clerk, Thomas Knight, clerk, Thomas Marflete, chaplain and William Whetelay of Anlaby to Lawrence Tutbury. Conveyance, for the term of the life of the said Lawrence, of a cellar with an inn and two chambers built over the said cellar in Hul Strete, with remainder to the vendors. John Aldewyke, mayor, and other named witnesses. Seal. Thomas MARFLETE, 8 November 1446, Westminster. Commission to the mayor and sheriff of Kyngeston upon Hull and Richard Jeorge, king's serjeant at arms, to arrest Thomas, Nicholas and Richard Norham and Thomas Marflete and bring them before the king in Chancery to answer charges there to be brought against them. Thomas MERFLETE, 23 February 1447 Mentioned in the Will Agnes, wife of William Merflete de Hedon. Thomas MARFLETE, 26 June 1449, Winchester. Pardon to William Beaufitz, Seman Burton, Richard Hill, Thomas Fereby, Nicholas Elys, Thomas Patryngton, Nicholas Stubbes, Richard Bill, Robert Dawe, William Burgh, Thomas Couper, John Lynmouth, Robert Benyngton, John Spenser, John Hadyff, Richard Cousyn, John Forest, Richard Bedford, John Dares, John Hayles, William Hewlyn, John Richeman, William Northeby, Thomas Edmund, Thomas Marflete, John Barnbowe, Robert Forest, Robert Monson, Thomas Danby, Simon Horne, Peter Gile, Edmund Mathewe, Richard Anson, John Blithe and John Wolff, of all trespasses, offences, contempts and forfeitures and all imprisonments by reason thereof. By p.s. etc. Thomas MARFLETE, maryner, 1451 (30 Hen. VI) Nov. 16. Power of attorney from Thomas Marflete of Kyngeston on Hull, maryner, to John Carleton of Grymesby, to receive all moneys due from William Lyen alias Furbether. Thome MARFLETE, shipmaster, 1453 Thomas MARFLET, English Merchant, 1453 Navis Thome MARFLETE vocata TRYNYTE de Hull applicuit 24 die Junii Thomas MARFLET 6 dol' vini [N.B. dol' - dolium - tun; a large cask containing 250 gallons of wine.] Thomas MARFLET, 16 August 1454, Middleham. Commission to the said Richard Anson, and John Aclum, Nicholas Elys, William Sutton and Thomas Marflet, appointing them to arrest mariners for the governance of the ships and vessels for the army which Richard, earl of Salisbury, one of the keepers of the sea, has ordered, and to set them aboard at the king's wages. Thomas MARFLETE, 4 October 1457, Westminster. Commission to Hugh Clyderowe, James Kyghley, William Dobson, John Brande, Robert Benyngton and Thomas Marflete, appointing them to arrest and set mariners aboard certain ships in the port of Hull, ordered to go on the sea against the king's enemies.
William de MERFLEET, 1100 (temp Henry I) John de Danethorpe gave to Alicia, relict of Wm. de Merfleet, all of which Adam his son had given, and a bovate to Alicia, daughter of the said Alicia, in Danthorpe. William de MERFLETE, 1135-1154 father of William de Merflete. William de MERFLETE, 1135-1154 son of William de Merflete. Granted to Sayer de Sutton, for his homage and service, certain lands. The seal of Wm. de Merfleet is attached. Willelmus, 1155-1170 Witness to a Grant - Stephanus de Merflet, Willelmus filius ejus. Willelmo, (Late Henry II, not later than 1182) Witness to two charters - Stephano de Merflet, Willelmo filio eius. Willelmus de MERSFLET, 1228 (Easter Term, 12 Henry III) against Adam de Authorp', (infra) re 2/3 parts of the manor of Marfleet. William de MEREFLET, 1227-1230 against Adam de Danthorpe, re 1/3 parts of the Manor of Marfleet. William de MERFLET, Easter 1242 Northampton A date is given to William de Merflet and Margery his wife querents and to Gilbert de Preston and Alice his wife defendants, concerning the taking of their cirograph of one carucate of land with appurtenances in Clendon', in the octaves of Holy Trinity, because that is now the first date of pleas. And it is noted in the file of notes. William of MERFLET, 1245 MCLXXXI.- Between William of Merflet, claimant, and Adam of Merflet, tenant: as to 2 parts of the manor of Merflet, save 3 bovates of land and 2 thofts. The right of Adam. Adam gives 50 marks of silver. [Case 264, File 39, No.69.] Willelmun de MERFLET, 1249 Gilbertus de Preston' constitutes est justiciarius una cum hiis etc. ad assisam nove disseisine capiendam, quam Margeria de Olneye arramiavit versus Willelmum de Merflet et Michaelem Wayok', de tenemento in Horton', Et mandatum est vicecomiti Norhampton' quod ad diem et locum etc. [vide infra, for Horton, William 1350.] William de MERFLET, 11 March 1301, Northampton. Letters for Master Richard Berard, parson of the church of Wodhull, going to Ireland, nominating William de Merflet and Roger de Clopton his attorneys for three years. William, 26 October 1350, Mortlake. The like [pardon] to William Spicer of Norhampton, with respect to the death of William son of John de Merflet of Horton. [vide supra, for Horton, William 1249.] William de MERFLET, 10 September 1360, Inquest taken at Elsham. A messuage and 50a land late of John de [Merflet], whereof William de Merflet, aged 30 years and more, is heir. William was brother of John and uncle and heir of Hugh. William de MERFLET, 15 September 1360, Westminster. ... and that William de Merflet, brother of John and uncle of Hugh, is the next heir of the said Hugh and is of full age. William de MERFLET, 14 November 1360 Castre. A messuage and 50a. land late of John de Merflet, whereof William de Merflet, aged 30 years and more, is heir for certain reasons, as appears &c., as above. Willelmus de MIRFLETE, 1367/8 mercer. William de MERFLET, 1380 Bailiff at Hedon. Will. de MERFFLETE, 1383/4 mercer, senior. William de MERFLETE, 8 November 1386, Westminster. Appointment of Robert de Hilton, John Conestable of Halsham and Robert Twyere, knights, William de Holm, Robert Sturmy, John Frankys, William de Merflete, Richard de Beverley, William Walde and Thomas Dole, upon information that 500 marks in money have been found hidden under the ground at Hedon, co. York, and fraudulently concealed from the king's ministers, to enquire touching the same, also upon information of divers oppressions of the king's lieges there to enquire and certify touching the said oppressions. By C. William de Merflete, 8 November 1386, Westminster. 389. Commission to Robert de Hilton, John Conestable of Halsham, Robert Twyer, knights, William de Holm, Robert Sturmy, John Frankish, William de Merflete, Richard de Beverle, John Wald and Thomas Dole to enquire by a jury of co. York concerning the concealment of 500 marks treasure trove at Hedon and concerning divers oppressions of the king's subjects in the said county. Westminster. 8 November 10 Richard II [1386] By C. [Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1385-1389, p.262.) Inquisition before William de Holm, John Frankissh, William de Merflete and John de Walde. Hedon. Thursday after St. Hilary 10 Richard II. [1387.] No treasure trove has been found and no oppressions committed within the jurors' knowledge. C.Inq.Misc.File 237.(18.) Willelmi de MARFLETE, 1387 Inquisition relative to the Chantry of St. Mary. Inquisiciones post mortem, 12 Ric.II, n.169. William de MARFLETE, 1401/2 (Account of Bailiffs of Hedon) An account of Robert de Wyntrynngham and William de Marflete, bailiffs of the said town, from the morrow of St. Michael the Archangel, in the third year of the reign of King Henry the Fourth, after the conquest of England, until the morrow of St. Micahel the Archangel, in the reign of the same King Henry, one year entire. (Here follows particulars of amounts received from Rents. &c, Gilds, Tolls and Customs.) Willelmi de MERFLET, c.1402 Bailiff of Hedon. Sir Wm. (Adam) MARFLEET, c.1405 of Ripley, knt. William MERFLETE, 22 October 1407, Gloucester. Pardon to Nicholas Flecher of Kyngeston on Hull, indicted of having on 20 August, 5 Henry IV, stolen a coat worth 10s. at Beverlay and carried off 8s. in money from Adam Barker of Beverlaye and of having on 28 August in the said year stolen a mazer worth 26s.8d. at Hedon in Holderness and carried off other goods to the value of 20s. from Alice the wife of William Merflete of Hedon. William MERFLET, 12 March 1407 (8 Henry IV) Westminster of Hedon, sued Richard Stalyngburgh for debt. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of supersedeas, by mainprise of William atte Greke and Thomas Andrewe of London, Thomas Hyndle of Middlesex and John Archer of London 'cordewaner,' in favour of William Merflet of Hedoun at suit of Richard Stalyngburgh citizen and draper of London for debt. Willelmo MERFLETE, 1410 Feast of St. Andrew. Test: (Hedon Church Records, D.10.) William MERFLET, 1414/15 "For two poles bought from William Merflet for the carriage of new altar stone from Sheriff Bridge to Chapel of St. James." Willelmo MERFLET, c.1415 In Wardens Account of the Church of St. James. William MERFLETE, 1419 Mayor of Hedon. Willelmum MERFLET, c.1426 Name appears in extract from inquest and rental. "Item, presentatum est quod via in Lenardgate usque Shiresbrige est defectiva et debet reparari per procuratorem cantarie, Willelmum Merflet. Willelmo MERFLET, 17 May 1435 septimodecimo die mensis Maii, anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post conquestum Anglie tercio decimo. (Hedon Church Records, D.26.) William MERFLET, 14 July 1439, Westminster. John Benyington of Hedoun in Holdernesse to Robert Constable of Barnby by Bossall, William Mouncem of Barnston, John Holme son of John Holme of Holme, Thomas Brigge clerk and William Merflet of Hedoun. Grant of all his goods and chattels moveable and immovable. Dated Hedoun, 4 June 17 Henry VI. Memorandum of acknowledgment at Hedoun 24 June before John Constable knight, by virtue of a dedimus potestatem which is on file for this year. John Holym, one of the executors of Stephen late bishop of St. Davids, to John Iwardby 'gentilman.' General release of all actions and demands real and personal. Dated 13 July 17 Henry VI. Memorandum of acknowledgment in chancery at Westminster 14 July. William MIRFLETE, 10 November 1447 Testamentary burial in the Chapel of St. Augustine, Hedon. Will proved, 18th January. (see also Agnes, wife of Wm. Mirflete) William MERFLET, 10 November 1447 Will. William MARFLETE, 10 November 1447 In addition to its other sources of revenue, the Holy Cross Guild repeatedly received gifts and bequests from individual donors. Thus, Thomas Martyn, by will dated 30th January, 1426/7, left 3s.4d.; and William Marflete left the like sum to the Guild on 10th November 1447. William MERFLET, 1448 Rental for the Commonalty of the town of Hedon . . . in the year of the reign of Henry VI 26th. "Of Wm. Merflet, for a common croft near the town dyke 1s.6d." William MERFLET, (late) 1459 Rental of the Commonalty of the town of Hedon. "Richard Tailyoure, for a close formerly of St. James, and another on the Northside of the same, lately Wm. Merflete's, in the tenure of Richard Mapilthorp." Wm. MARFLETE, (late) 1459 John Johnson, barber, for a shop late Wm. Marflete's, lately William Malyard's, joining a tenement of John Hawy's, 15d. William MARFLETE, (late) 1459 Item, Thomas Knappyt and Robert Gyse, chaplains, for a croft in West-gate, lately of the said William Marflete's, 6d. William MARFLETE, 24 March 1536 Named in the Will of George Marflete, of Haynton (q.v.). Believed to be the brother of George. Had a son Richard. 12 March 1542 Will, proved Lincoln 28 April 1543. Mentions: Crystyan his wife; Richard Marflete the elder; his children but does not name them. Witness: Richard Marflete the younger.