www.marfleet.co.uk | a MARFLEET Family History web-page |
The Alberta Genealogical Society has recorded many of Alberta's cemeteries. These are the
listings for MARFLEET. This is from the Data Base in abbreviated form.
The number in brackets is the AGS cemeterynumber (27 = Streamstown).
The number sequence after the cemetery number is the plot number of the cemetery.
MARFLEET, Annie Marie 21 Mar 1879 - 21 Mar 1912 33y h Frederic (27)
Here are some Alberta Web sites you may want to check out;
Alberta Genealogical Society; http://www.compusmart.ab.ca/abgensoc
Edmonton Cemeteries; http://www.gov.edmonton.ab.ca/parkrec/cemetery
Edmonton Cemeteries on line; http://www.gov.edmonton.ab.ca/parkrec/cemetery/search.htm
Provincial Archives of Alberta; http://www.gov.ab.ca/mcd/mhs/paa/paa.htm
Alberta Vital Statistics Office; http://www.gov.ab.ca/ma/reg/vs/bb.htm
Alberta Phone; http://www.alberta.com
Contents Overseas Canada Alberta Cemeteries Streamstown