This list is provided for information only. It is not a list of advertisements and the inclusion of any publication does not imply that the list compiler endorses the content thereof.
Green bullets - copy held in library.
Red bullets - copy required for library.
W.R. Blair, James Edwin Smith and John Marfleet. (Compiled by), Tables for the use of Building Societies,
calculated monthly at compound interest, after the rate of £5 per centum per annum. F.S. Wright, Longton, 1875.
Marfleet, H.F., Pictorial Guide to Woodworking Tools and Joints. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, First Edition 1961, reprints 1967, 1968, Second Edition 1979, reprints 1979, 1981.
ISBN 0 7100 0177 0
Marfleet, R.M., Gems of Thought, Stockwell, Ilfracombe. 1965
Marfleet, R.M., Treasured Thoughts, A Book of Poems. Arcadian Press, London. 1968
Auhl, Ian and Marfleet, Denis, Australia's Earliest Mining Era, South Australia 1841-1851. Rigby, Adelaide. First printed 1975, second print 1988.
ISBN 0 85179 886 1
Auhl, Ian and Marfleet, Denis, Journey to Lake From 1843. Lynton, Blackwood, S.A. 1977.
ISBN 0 86946 304 7
Marfleet, R.F. A cross-cultural application of studies in the internal structure of categories. DISS [403], 1978.
Marfleet, Phil., Palestine lives! Socialist Workers Party, London. 1979
Marfleet, Andrew, Portrait Gallery: Julius K Nyerere. Paternoster Press [Spectrum (Association of Christian Teachers) Volume 11:3 1979 ISSN:0305-2917]
Marfleet, Andrew, A Critique Of "Conversions Among 11-15 Year-Olds". Paternoster Press [Spectrum (Association of Christian Teachers) Volume 13:2 1981 ISSN:0305-2917]
Philip Hemnell, Robert Marfleet, Nicholas Poon. The microcomputer market in the United Kingdom (RRP £500 and below).
Centre for Business Research, Manchester. 1983
Marfleet, Andrew, Let Them Know. Paternoster Press [Spectrum (Association of Christian Teachers) Volume 15:3 1983 ISSN:0305-2917]
Marfleet, Andrew, Wisdom Or Knowledge. Paternoster Press [Spectrum (Association of Christian Teachers) Volume 15:3 1983 ISSN:0305-2917]
Marfleet, Philip, Economic Warfare in the Gulf. The Middle East, Sept. 1983, 79.
Marfleet, Andrew, Christian Schools' Movement - Editorial. Paternoster Press [Spectrum (Association of Christian Teachers) Volume 16:1 1984 ISSN:0305-2917]
Marfleet, Andrew, Teacher Responsibility. Paternoster Press [Spectrum (Association of Christian Teachers) Volume 16:1 1984 ISSN:0305-2917]
Marfleet, Andrew, A Place For Moral Education? Paternoster Press [Spectrum (Association of Christian Teachers) Volume 16:3 1984 ISSN:0305-2917]
Marfleet, Philip, Calling the Iranian Bluff. The Middle East, July 1984, 16-17.
Gillespie, Lyall L., Illustrated by Dennis Marfleet (photography) & Maria S. Ivany (drawings) Aborgines of the Canberra Region Canberra: The Wizard, 1984. ISBN:0 9590255 0 2.
Marfleet, J. E., Use of lactic acid bacteria as aids in food preservation.
Leatherhead Food Research Association. 1985
Marfleet, Andrew, Christian Teaching Across the Curriculum. Paternoster Press [Spectrum (Association of Christian Teachers) Volume 18:1/Spring 1986 ISSN:0305-2917]
Bryant Rosier, M.E., and Marfleet, J.K. Index to Census Registration Districts. FFHS, Solihull. 1986.
ISBN 0 907099 42 4
Marfleet, Andrew, The Christian Teacher and Indoctrination. Paternoster Press [Spectrum (Association of Christian Teachers) Volume 19:1/Spring 1987 ISSN:0305-2917]
Marfleet, Peter, Carpentry for the Homeowner, Batsford, London. 1987.
ISBN 0 7134 4792 3
Marfleet, Jane E., and Blood, Ruth M., Listeria Monocytogenes as a Food-Borne Pathogen.
Scientific and Technical Surveys, No. 157, Feb. 1987
Marfleet, Jane E., Effect of certain lactic acid bacteria on the spoilage flora of a model fresh meat system.
British Food Manufacturing Industries Research Association. 1987
Marfleet, J. E., Effect of certain lactic acid bacteria on the spoilage flora of a model fresh meat system.
Leatherhead Food Research Association. 1987
Lacy J, Magan N, Ramakrishna N, Hamer A and Marfleet I. Grain fungi. In: Handbook of Applied Mycology Series III:
Food and Feed Mycology. Eds. DK Arora, KG Mukerji and AE Marth. Marcel Dekker Inc, USA., 121-171
David Marfleet and Clive Langmead. Wings Like Eagles. Lion, Oxford. 1991
ISBN 0 7459 2149 3
Marfleet, A. and Kusher, S. [1995] The Common Course Structure at UEA: the Educational Evaluation, Interim Report,
Centre for Applied Research in Education (CARE), University of East Anglia (UEA)
Marfleet, Andrew, Investigating School Values: A Case-Study Approach. Paternoster Press [Spectrum (Association of Christian Teachers) Volume 27:1/Spring 1995 ISSN:0305-2917]
Saville Kusher and Andrew Marfleet [1996] The Space between Schools: Final Report of the Educational Evaluation
of the Common Course Structure at UEA, CARE, UEA
Richard Marfleet. Australian Rally, Nowra N.S.W., June 1997.
Wolseley World [The Journal of the Wolseley Register], November/December 1997, Issue 70.
P. Kiely and P. Marfleet (Eds). The Third World in the 21st Century. Routledge [1997]
Jacqueline E. Marfleet. Marketing the academic law library.
Phil. Marfleet, Algeria: West put to the test. Issue 216 of SOCIALIST REVIEW. Published February 1998.
Ray Kiely and Phil. Marfleet (Eds). Globalisation and the Third World. Routledge [July 1998]
Philippa Marfleet; Jane Vass The Which? guide to starting your own business London, 1998
Gregory Marfleet The Operational Code of John F. Kennedy During the Cuban Missile Crisis: A Comparison of Public and Private Rhetoric. Paper presented at International Studies Association Meeting,Minneapolis, MN. [1998]
Dr. Paul Marfleet, How many problems in a consultation? Issue 6 of Equip Magazine.
O'Brian P (UK), Marfleet C (UK). Performance of the frameless intrauterine device. (Title pending)
Fertility Regulation Review Group
Berni Marfleet [1998] (Publisher)Fifth Annual Monitoring Report: East Anglia RAWP. EAST ANGLIA AGGREGATES WORKING PARTY ISBN: 1 871112 60 5
Jackie Marfleet and Catherine Kelly [1999] Leading the field: the role of the information professional in the next century. 1999, Learned Information (Europe) Ltd. ISSN: 0264-0473; Vol.17 No.6; p.359
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