Family History

MARFLEETs in films and videos: a filmography

This list is provided for information only. It is not a list of advertisements and the inclusion of any publication does not imply that the list compiler endorses the content thereof.

Green bullets - copy held in video library.
Red bullets - copy required for video library.
(No Title) Safety film for Bristol University Christine Marfleet - as a first year student 1981
..Gerald Marfleet - cameraman with Warner Bros..
For Your Convenience Gerald J. Marfleet - cinematographer (crew) 1939
Prizzi's Honor Lisa Marfleet - casting assistant (crew) 1985
F/X - Murder by Illusion Lisa M. Marfleet - casting assistant (crew) 1985
The War Boy Susan Marfleet - Assistand to producer (crew) 1985
To The Ends Of The Earth
Mission Aviation Fellowship video.
David Marfleet - helicopter pilot 1986
Orphans  Lisa M. Marfleet - Assistant (crew)1987
See You in the Morning  Lisa M. Marfleet - Casting Associate (crew)1989
Presumed Innocent Lisa M. Marfleet - casting assistant (crew)1990
Wings Like Eagles
Mission Aviation Fellowship video.
David Marfleet - helicopter pilot 1991
"The Chief"
(ITV Television programme broadcast on the 7th January)
Aidan Marfleet - listed in credits1994
Exercise prescription - GP referral schemes
National Sports Medicine Institute video 225 22.03.95
Dr. P. Marfleet - lecturer1995
Little Girl Lost
The 18th Norwegian Short Film Festival Grimstad, 13-18 June 1995
Russel Marfleet - listed in cast1995
Wonderland (II)
aka Snarl Up (1998) - Cannes film festival 13th May 1999
Peter Marfleet - listed in cast (Jack)1999
Film release date: June 2000
Nominated for Golden Palm,
1999 Cannes Film Festival;
Nominated for Best Actress, Best British Film, and Best Director,
British Independent Film Awards.
Peter Marfleet - listed in cast1999
Caribou Productions: Behind The Scenes
Sonia Marfleet - costumes1999
"Scrapheap Challenge"
(Channel 4 Television programme broadcast on the 3rd October)
Harold Marfleet - competition judge
(semi-finals; Mileage Marathon)

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© Marfleet Family History 2000

John's Homepage
A Filmography
LAST UPDATED: 9th April 2004
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